Singapore Jain Religious Society-SJRS
"I adore so greatly the principles of the Jain religion, that if there is reincarnation, it is my earnest wish that I be born in a Jain Family."
- George Bernard Shaw (Irish playwright)
A Short History of How We Came as a religious society. In 1978, within 24 hours,
they collected S$96,000 which enabled them to To Be
purchase the land at 18 Jalan Yasin, measuring
about 1000 sq. meters and build a two storey Jains have settled in Singapore since the
building. The hall on the second floor was used beginning of this century just before or after the
for religious functions and had an office and first world war (1910-1914). During the initial
library. The ground floor consisted of an open period, most of the religious functions were hall
hall, built up kitchen, store, parking lot and open conducted on an individual basis. After World space War II, the activities became organized and most Jain activities were carried out at 79, Waterloo In 1978. a trainee monk. Smitaben was invited Street. In 1957 Jains felt the need to re-organize here
here. Her arrival and daily discourses increased themselves and the first committee of five,
the religious fervor and encouraged more religious called Panch was elected. Subsequently, a new
activities. This is still continuing at present committee was elected every year to conduct
and Tapasyas including Varsitaps. Similarly, Jain festivities and other religious functions at
monetary donations to charities in India have 79 Waterloo Street, a building with which Jains increased vear after vear. Smitaben helped the were historically associated.
community to understand the principles guiding
real Jainism. After the government's acquisition in 1965 of the In her presence, the building was officially opened Waterloo Street premises, the committee carried and named Jain Sthanak. out these functions in various rented premises. Soon, they felt the urgent need to have their
According to the society's constitution, any Jain
an own premises and for this purpose, they needed
whether Sthanakvasi, Deravasi, Terapanthi, to organize themselves and register a society
Digambar, Oswal or Porwad speaking any according to the local laws. In the year 1971/1972
language, regardless of creed could become a the then five member committee took a bold step
member and carry out Jain religious activities, and raised S$58,000 with the help of their 600
keeping fundamental principles of Jainism. The strong members. In 1972, the Singapore Jain
society maintains its objective of Jain unity in Religious Society was formed and registered
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