JAIN DIGEST .. May 2011
Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj (1926 - 1994)
Just as cakes become sweet when they are coated with sugar frosting, so do places in this world
become holy and pure when a saint abides in them."
- Nirvanbhakti verse 31, Vidhyadhara Joharapurakar, 1965. Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj was not only a nature and the five elements. Embedded in this visionary Jain Monk but was also a Poet, Writer, lies Om whose positive energy moves in one Historian and Speaker. He was the first Jain direction to the Supreme, completely and monk to leave India and to use transportation wholeheartedly. In the center there is an while continuing to remain a Jain monk. Jain unmoving flame of fire burning brightly. This is monks are permitted to travel
Arhum, the power of the soul. It is by foot only, yet Acharya
the Arihant, the soul in its Sushilji broke the ancient
perfected state. The meaning is restraint order for the monks to
that you are the universe or share the Bhagwan Mahavir's
Hreem. Your entire energy is Om, message of nonviolence and
and your soul realizes its highest peace with the whole world.
state of perfection, Arhum. By this He was born on 15th June
system you can know the world, 1926 at Shikhopur (Shusilgarh)
you can see how energy moves in the State of Haryana, India.
and you can see your self, how all At the age of seven Acharya
powers awaken. Sound is the left his family to live with a Jain
base of this knowledge. monk Shri Chotelaliji Maharaj.
Insititutions It is said that while he was a
Acharya Sushilji founded many little boy, he was inspired by
organizations which include in Shri Roop Chandji Maharaj,
1950, World Fellowship of who appeared to him in spirit
Religions; in 1957, Vishwa and told him to become a Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj Ahimsa Sangh, the Kundalini monk. Shri Roop Chandji
Science Center; 1978, the Maharaj was an enlightened Jain monk who lived International Mahavir Jain Mission; 1979, Arhat during the 19th century. On April 20th, 1942 at the
Sangh; 1981, World Jain Congress and the World age of fifteen Acharya Sushilji became a Jain
Center of Nonviolence, 1985, Ahimsa Women's monk and was initiated into the Jain Sthanakvasi
Polytechnic sect at Jagranwa in the Punjab, India. He
Acharya Sushil Ashram, Ahimsa Bhawan, pursued an academic career and obtained a
Shanker Road, New Delhi was Guruji's first degree of Shastri, Acharya, Vidya-Ratna, and
ashram and the Karmabhoomi of Guruji. Sahitya-Ratna.
Foundation stone of this ashram was laid by 1st Acharya was a master of
Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in meditation and in the science
1963 for building an Ahimsa Library. of sound. His teaching is
Overseas Travel: In 1975, Acharya Sushilji called "Arhum Yoga". Arhum
undertook his first international tour and visited Yoga encompasses all
Boston. The local Jain Community not only aspects of philosophy and
welcomed him but also started a public relation yogic practice in the Arihant
campaign with media. As a result, Acharya Spiritual Tradition. Arhum
1 The Arhum Yoga Yoga logo highlights the
Sushilji and members of the Jain community were
invited to participate in a local television show. significance of three sounds -
Professors from Harvard and Boston universities Om, Hreem and Arhum. They symbolize
interviewed Acharya Sushilji. The interview was knowledge of the external, the internal and the
aired on television on November 18, 1975, in a Supreme. They are Right Knowledge (Arhum).
Sunday morning show called the "Show of Faith." Right Faith (Om) and Right Conduct (Hreem). First on the outside is Hreem; this is the universe,
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