JAIN DIGEST .. May 2011
Darshan of An Ever Smiling, Ever Blessing Acharya
to the mother and asked her "can you voharav Jayant had made the impossible possible, his
something very nice that nobody would". Puzzled leadership skills coupled with an excellent batting the mother had no answer. After some time performance had enabled the seventh graders Jayanandsuri Maharaj asked her "Can you beat the 11th graders team. The cricket coach of voharav your eldest son?" The puzzled mother Kabubhai High School was already seeing a asked the Maharaj if he was talking about this kid "Pataudi" in making
(Jayant) who has nothing (Tendulkar was probably
but cricket in his mind. not even born). The
Maharaj replied, "you will coach was probably
see after 11 months". thinking of Bombay's
Acharya Jaishekharsuri upcoming prestigious
Maharaj, to this day, Harris Shield
remembers the exact tournament. However,
time on the clock at that Jayant was not destined
moment - exactly 11.00 to be a “Tendulkar", his
am - the point when Guru had other more
Jayant's life changed important plans.
drastically - new Like any typical Jain
boundary lines were Gujarati woman,
drawn. He would Jayant's mother was
constantly think about his concerned about her
Guru and the religious son's future. She would
teachings. see him spending every
After about eleven spare moment with
months, Acharya cricket bat and ball. She
Pratapsuri gave diksha finally managed to Acharya Jaishekharsuriji
to Jaishekhar Maharaj. convince him to at least
Under the supervision of attend pathshala. Jayant started attending the
Acharya Pratapsuri, Acharya Dharmasuri, pathshala simply to please his mother. However,
Acharya Jayanandsuri and various other
pundits, Jaishekharji underwent rigorous stotras came naturally to him. Jayant himself
education for 7 years. He studied Jain Agams, never cared much about his newly gained skill but various stotras. Ardha-Magadhi and various other his pathshala teachers were clearly impressed. Jain literature and commentaries. When things Pathshala influenced Jayant to attend some would become tough, Acharya Pratapsuri's simple Acharya Jayanandsuri's lectures. One day Jayantincentives and gentle approach would encourage casually asked Jayanandsuriji that while he visited him to work hard. Jaishekharji had found his various families in the neighborhood for gochari, comfortable new unconventional home (or nowill he also visit his home. Maharaj replied with home as some would say). He realized that life as smile "your home" and then proceeded to say such was very simple and natural. The inner "yes". Few days later Jayant's mother asked him anand (joy) increased day by day. to go and request Acharya Jayanandsuri to come The joy of the soul is beyond description of our for gochari as they had cooked a special meal.
human language. However, seeing Acharyaji's Jayanandsuriji accepted the invitation and went
constantly smiling face one can only sense along with Jayant to his home. The mother was
something extra-ordinary. It reminded this very pleased on seeing Swamiji at her doorstep. interviewer of a description of Bhagwan Mahavir in She immediately asked Jayant to voharav (give
Mahasena gardens, the day after he attained food to) Swamiji. Instead, Maharaj turned around Keval Gvan on the banks of river Rijuvaluka. One
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