JAIN DIGEST .. May 2011
guru, and the greatest of the great souls
austerity, supreme renunciation, supreme (Paramatma - Arihants & Siddhas). They have
possessionlessness, and supreme celibacy. served as ambassadors of Ahimsa, and influenced Twelve kinds of Tapa: Fasting, taking reduced some of the most barbaric rulers towards a path of diet, putting of special restrictions or and peace and tolerance. Over the past 2600 years,
above the usual, observations, abounding the Jain community had to face many calamites
food-taste, lonely habitation, mortification of testing the very existence of the faith. Starting
body, expiation, reverence (paying respect to from the severe 12-year famine, the Shivite
holy personages), services to saints, study, backlash, and brutal Muslim invaders, the
renunciation and meditation. Acharyas had to come up with appropriate
Five Types of Observations (Samiti): solutions to effectively keep the sangh united and Carefulness in walking, carefulness in talking, provide the necessary encouragement to face the carefulness in taking food, carefulness in difficult times. On the other hand with changing
giving - taking things, carefulness in removal times the old traditional values and thoughts had of excreta. to be reevaluated and in some cases modification . Six Essentials: Vandana, stutis (prayer to was required. The challenge always was how to
Tirthankar), samata (equanimity), pratikaman, handle change and yet at the same time ensure
pratyakhyan (vows), and kayotasarga. Bhagwan Mahavir's message was fully preserved. . Three Gupti (Hidden Things), Man gupti, In many such situations, the Acharyas made
vachan gupti, and body gupti. appropriate changes to traditions while
In addition an Acharya has eight additional special emphasizing certain aspects of the philosophy to
skills: ensure shout-term survival and of a long-term
1) Aachar. - right acts according to laws of monks blossoming of the Jain society. Yes, it is true that
2) Sutra: - knowledge of all agamas (sacred in the process different sects were formed and
texts) and their meanings there were serious disagreements among sects,
3) Sharir. - impressive body and aura but it is still a tremendous testament to all the
4) Vachan: - descent and serious speech Acharyas for having preserved the core essence
5) Vachana: - good teacher of Jain way of life. We humbly pay tribute to these
6) Paug: - Expert in discussions and debates great souls.
7) Mati: - sharp memory and mind Acharya
8) Sangrah: - good store keeper to keep all
stocks required by monks An Acharya heads the fourfold Jain community. He/She guides, defines rules, does administration
It is not practical to list all the thousands of of saint order, and directs the community (sangh)
Acharyas whose unique contribution has not only in the proper direction. This position shoulders
preserved Jin's teaching but also made it relevant great responsibility not only as the spiritual head
despite the changing times and circumstances. but also ensures that the benefits and the essence We have however listed the names of few great of the Dharma are spread in the sangh. Such
souls; we sincerely apologize for not mentioning responsibility should under no circumstances be
names of many Acharyas whose contribution to misconstrued towards any form of political power
the Jain community was equally large and or political influence. In many respects, one can
valuable. The work of Prof. Dr. Kamal Chand say they have tremendous responsibility without
Sogani is noteworthy in listing some of the any real power. The only power they possess is
influential Jain Acharyas (see website the power of their own character and the respect
http://www.herenow4u.de/pages/eng/sections/issis they get due to the commitment to the others' well
/StudyNotes/InfluentialJainaAcaryas.htm). being.
Acharya Umaswati or Umaswami is the author In Jain tradition Acharyas have 36 gunas (referring of Tattvartha Sutra, a popular Jain text. Both the to both rites and qualities):
Digamber and Shwetamber sects claim him. He • Ten Characteristics of Religion: Supreme
was a mathematician and one of the most forbearance, supreme modesty, supreme
profound thinkers and critical analyzers of the Jain straight-forwardness, supreme contentment,
philosophy. Very little is known about the exact supreme truth, supreme self-restrain, supreme
period of his life, accounts about his life span vary but he must have lived sometime between the
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