Jain Digest Winter 2007
female JSCPs is required to meet the spiritual care and religious serve persons of any and all or no, faith traditions. wants of Jains. Since institutional S&RC is an evolving concept EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SPIRITUAL CARE in the Jain community of North American, it is not the intention PROVISION initially, to have expertise in any particular setting or service buc rather to ensure that general competencies exist in the wider field
Full or part time SCP's are employed in a large number of
government and other community institutions. They are mainly of S&RC. The goal is to offer appropriate and adequate spiritual
of the Christian tradition but some are of other traditions such care, as and when required, to Jains in North America in all settings and all institutions.
as Jewish, Muslim, Baha'i, and Buddhist. The Ontario Multifaith
Council on Spiritual & Religious Care is working on processes, CERTIFICATION FOR BECOMING A JAIN SPIRITUAL
including training, to increase the number of other-than-Christian CARE PROVIDER
SCPs employed in institutions. As part of this effort, the Federation The establishment of a process of certification for JSCPs by a of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA) can undertake to core body such as, for example, a yet-to-be-established Spiritual endorse or certify Jains who are considered as being qualified to & Religious Care Committee of JAINA (S&RCCJ) may serve the be retained as JSCPs on a contract basis at various institutions. immediate purpose of the provision of spiritual care in institutions. Such a contract can address the matter of the reimbursements of Such a committee should have the authority to certify that a Jain expenses incurred and financial compensation. Currently, S&RC lay person is competent to work as a JSCP. To start with, the services to Jains are offered voluntarily and without compensation requisite qualifications or eligibility criteria should include the by Jains who have a deep and genuine interest in meeting S&RC demonstration of willingness and availability to work as JSCP wishes of the Jains within the community. through a statement to that effect in an application for certification. CONCLUSION A person applying for an endorsement may be recommended by any local Jain organization. Recipients of JAINA Ratna awards and
With increasing immigration from India and from around the
world adding to the thousands born here, the Jain community in the past presidents of JAINA could be considered for certification if they are willing to serve in the position of JSCP. Applications
North America has grown and continues to grow even faster. It should be submitted directly to the S&RCCJ. All endorsements
is becoming more and more challenging to meet the needs of the should be valid for two years and be renewable. Details of policies,
community, including those arising from the diversity of languages procedures, directives, guidelines and other requirements can be
and more mixed marriages. This is even more so in the context formulated, after the system has been established and there is some
of a pluralistic mosaic society. This increases the urgency for us experience with how it works. Introduction of a proper system to
to enhance our understanding of the community as it is here and
today. We have to develop policies, strategies and practical ways avoid legal liability that may arise from any harm to a client that
to effectively serve the Jains and the special requirements that can be proved to have been caused by the actions or inactions of
are part of their tradition. We need to give ourselves the tools to a volunteer care-giver and/or an organization that sponsors such
continue holding high the torch of our historical spiritual heritage care-giver. In a similar manner, issues of confidentiality and its
and cultural traditions in order to preserve our original spirit. breaches leading liability to third-party and legal liability insurance could be dealt with afterwards. The goal for the future should be to have JSCP attain an acceptable level of academic and professional background that can compare equally with accredited mainstream SCPs. After some experience, work may begin on formalizing
NEW LIFE MEMBERS of JAIN DIGEST the educational training and legal requirements, and on defining the desired research, development and publication record and Sapna Shah, Falls Curch, VA the community service experience, with a view to ensuring that the JSCPs have qualifications equivalent to those of mainstream Reshma Shah, Atlanta, GA SCPS. This equivalency requirement would become relevant when a JSCP desires to become a Multifaith SCP who is accredited to Bhupen and Sudha Shah, Skokie, IL
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