JAIN DIGEST. Winter 2007
comes to comprehending any type of information. Therefore From the very start of Jain Milan in the bay area, the core it became critical that we divide the students into age groups. founders of JCNC, placed educating children as one of its main Our Pathshala comprises kids of ages 3 to 16 years.
visions. Originally started with the object of imparting religious Each class syllabus is extended for a period of 2 to 3 yrs and
education to students at home on a small scale, the endeavor compared with one another to make sure that we minimize
has progressed into a large scale project with 300+ students repetition of topics. So every time a child progresses to the
registered for classes here in the Bay Area. Have you ever visited next class, he or she has new information to learn. In total, we
our Jain Bhawan on a Sunday morning? You will find a lot of
children walking to their classrooms with their backpacks, have (5) classes. As we teach, teachers have felt that their class syllabus has needed modifications or addition of creative
parents dropping their little ones to the class room, some talking teaching techniques.
to the teachers about assignments or their child's progress, and
teachers settling in their classroom with enthusiasm. This trend Our curriculum includes Jain philosophy and Sutras. We have is visible all over North America, where local Jain centers are a separate sutra class for ages 9 and up. For younger kids sutras conveying the message of Lord Mahavir through the Pathshala are incorporated in their curriculum. We have found that just concept, conducted during the weekends. speaking about Jain philosophy without any day-to-day examples or other means of teaching has disinterested students.
JCNC's main objective has been to teach Jain philosophy, Therefore, we use different methods like games, arts and crafts,
prayers and sutras to youth born outside India, which simply songs, and hands on Derasar activities like Kesar Puja, Ashta
put, is not an easy task. JCNC shala's objective is to impart Prakari Puja, making Ghawli and Saathiyo. One of the teachers
education that can appeal to our common sense and create a
positive environment around students, teachers and volunteers. has found it helpful to conduct 5 minutes Dhyan (meditation) before beginning the class. Most classes leave about 15 minutes
Shala helps to instill spiritual development, self-awareness and at the end to play games on Jain philosophy. Another teacher
Jain identity in children being brought up in this country. This has found that doing (1) Navkarvali before teaching Sutras
successful effort is headed by the JCNC Education Committee has helped little kids to concentrate and be attentive while
and run by a team of volunteers, consisting of coordinators for learning Sutras. Also one of the classes (5 to 6 yrs) uses a reading
Jain & Language shala and over 50 teachers, co-teachers and book that has been compiled by the class teachers which include
coordinators, managing all aspects of each shala. Jain topics and Jain images that have been very helpful for the Parents Outlook kids to understand the philosophy of Jainism. Certain classes have bi-weekly logs "Practice of Jainism in real life" on
First-generation parents suffer from the fear that their children Navkarvali, stop wasting food, bowing to parents, helping
will lose their culture, heritage, religion, and language. Their parents with Each class makes end of the year project on Jainism
fear is very real and understandable. Parents feel that children that we display in our Annual Cultural program - for example
will find many challenging situations when they are in school/ we did 3-dimensional models of Trishla Mata's 14 Swapnas.
outside world, particularly with their non Indian friends, and Every year we celebrate Diwali when all the kids get a chance
wish that they make critical decisions that support Jain to do kesar pooja and decorate their diva ni thali" for Samuh
principles. Such challenges could encompass everything from Aarti. During one of these celebrations, We had a "Cherry
dating and marrying outside the Jain (or Indian) community, Hill Jain Pathshala" Logo competition and the winner's logo
to drug use, social, political, moral or religious views that was printed on T-shirts that our kids wear to Pathshala. To
confuse many parents and their offspring. Parents constantly reward the hard work that kids do with enthusiasm, we have
ask themselves, are their children gaining knowledge through annual picnics including Chaitra paripathy to any nearby
Pathshala? Can their offspring make the right choices when temple. One of the successful events we have had in the past
faced with challenges? Will they be able to carry forward the for kids is the PETA day. A PETA speaker presented information
Jain Way of Life and pass it down to their children? And the
Pathshala is constantly striving to answer these questions and on cruelty to animals and what we can do to help rescue them or be aware of all the food ingredients and clothing materials
address these issues. that are non-vegetarian or contain animal bi-products. Students Perspective We would like to conclude by mentioning that our Pathshalas Learning the basic principles of Jainism is like learning science. have had many achievements and is at present very successful Students do it because they have to; they are expected to; by but always open to new ideas and feedback from parents. It is
memorizing facts and storing them away. However, because due to the support of the parents and kids that we have achieved
they are not tested on them, they tend to forget them even so much and strive for more.
sooner than they forget science. This does not mean the tests Jain Center of Northern California
or exams held in the Shala do not have a broader meaning,
Just as the science principles that are learned in a classroom are Pathshala: 300+ students, ages 5 and up; Swadhyay: 120 adults applied in the laboratory, there needs to be ways and methods
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