AF530: Gujarati parents invite proposals from professional s for pretty outgoing US born daughter, Aug 79, 5'5", 115 lb, MD, 3rd year resident, enjoys traveling, art, outdoors. 770/850-1009. shah2374@yahoo.com
M472: Gujarati parents invite alliance for handsome accomplished vegetarian US citizen issueless divorcee son, Sept 71, 5'7", MS (ME) well employed /settled in NYC, from educated cultured girls. 516/334-8196. pshah-44@hotmail.com
M864: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents for accomplished handsome fair vegetarian US born son, Oct 76, 5'11", 160 lb, BS (civil eng), well employed as Project Manager with reputed co., from pretty cultured educated girls. 334/283-5340. or 334/415-8833. gosaliajay@hotmail.com
M981: Gujarati parents invite alliance w/photo bio-data for well educated handsome athletic fair looking US citizen son, Feb 73, 5'8", 150 lb, MS, VP with US Investment Bank, NY, from well-educated professional pretty girls. 908/510-4083. milan08840@hotmail.com
M1052: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data for handsome vegetarian US citizen son, Oct 75, 5'7", MA, MBA, MD, from cultured vegetarian well-educated pretty girls. 603/598-6576.
M1095: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data for handsome talented vegetarian US citizen son, Sept 76, 5'7", 135 lb, MS (EE & CS) from reputed school, positioned as hardware engineer in silicon valley, CA, from well educated, pretty cultured girls. 408/272-6833. mhshah76@gmail.com
M1114: Gujarati parents invite proposals for handsome talented vegetarian US citizen son, Feb 77, 5'8", 160 lb, BS (civil eng), own consulting business, from cultured educated girls. 832/746-6396. amish411@yahoo.com
MI118: Gujarati parent invite proposals from educated vegetarian cultured girls for handsome outgoing US born son, Aug 79, 5'11", 155 lb, MD, MBA, 2nd year resident in radiology oncology.606/571-2145, shah7580@yahoo.com
Jain Digest. Summer 2007
AF531: Gujarati parents invite responses for beautiful successful vegetarian US daughter, July 76, 5'1", PharmD, very well employed, from well-educated cultured boys. Email: toruaj@ hotmail.com
M1175: Gujarati parents invite responses from cultured vegetarian educated girls, for handsome brilliant professional son, May 82, 5'10", 160 lb, Comp sc, Nassau college, NY, MCT, consultant / professor / own business in NY. 201/774-3536 darshan@ds-ny.com
M1189: Gujarati parents invite proposals for vegetarian highly accomplished athletic amiable US born son, May 77, 5'6", Top-tier MBA, Finance Manager, Southern CA, from educated vegetarian girls on US West Coast.
M1192: Gujarati parents invite responses w/photo biodata from cultured vegetarian Gujarati girls for handsome accomplished son, Aug 79, 5'9", BCom, well employed in a reputed co., 973/272-3797. thsanghvi@hotmail.com
M1196: Gujarati parents invite alliance w/photo bio-data for handsome athletic vegetarian non-smoker US born son, Dec 80, 5'9", MD, starting residency in surgery with Cleveland clinic from July 2007, from professional well-educated Gujarati Jain girls. Arihant101@yahoo.com 570/696-2202.
M1197: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data from well-cultured educated pretty vegetarian girls, for handsome brilliant US citizen son, Dec 80, 5'5", BS (comp sc), well employed. 732/819-4056. parin.shah@yahoo.com
M1199: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data from cultured vegetarian educated Gujarati girls, for handsome cultured vegetarian son, Sept 80, 5'7", 158 lb, MS (Comp Sc), well employed in UK and willing to settle in USA. shahniju@yahoo.com 44-208-9034455
M1198: Gujarati parents invite responses from educated vegetarian girls for accomplished handsome US citizen son, June 80, 5'11", BS (EE), well employed at reputed co., 248/669-0761. rjcdet@gmail.com
M1200: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data for good looking son, Dec 80, 5'2", 110 lb, ME - Networking Security in US since 1983, well employed for 2 years, from caring cultured girls. 732/727-7801. jyotsnajitendra@yahoo.com
M1202: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents for handsome vegetarian successful US born son, March 76, 6'0", 170 lb, BS (Fin), MBA, well employed in LA, from cultured educated pretty vegetarian girls. 909/598-4021. padoshi316@yahoo.com