Jain Digest. Summer 2007
enthusiasm of Mr. Vora spread like a wild fire. Emails and Reaching Out
calls came to the GOL office from Jains wishing to share their
faith to our community. Little did we know at the time that by Reverend JoAnn Barrett
this was an historic event. Jainism has never been celebrated at another faith group's house of worship. Although our foundation rests on the inclusion of all, most of our members are from Judean-Christian backgrounds. The integration of the traditions was going to be equal. There were songs planned both in English and Gujaratil Hindi. The actual day turned out to be truly inspiring, starting from the opening Song - "Come and Fill This Temple" preformed by GOL chorus to the closing song "One World One Love". Included in the afternoon was recognition of the six directions (Jain style although GOL calls in five directions each week). With an invocation, "We call on the powers of Om, Hreem, Shreem, Arihant, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyaya,
Sadhu, Right Knowledge, Faith and Conduct. We call on It is not customary to invite people of other faith traditions them for protection, peace, knowledge, health, worldly to another house of worship: however. Gathering of Light attainments, total bliss and liberation!" Jain children recited Multifaith Spiritual Fellowship (GOL) is breaking this trend.
the Namokar mantra, then after spending time with GOL Our recent celebration of Jainism and Bhagwan Mahavira on
children, they preformed a skit called, "Lord Mahavira, our Sunday, March 25th, 2007 in Huntington Station, New York
Idol”. There was an adaptation of Samani Charitra Pragyaji's was a monumental success. Not only did it break the barriers
Preksha meditation. Then words of wisdom were presented that divide us it also allowed true friendships to be formed.
on Anekantrada, the life of Mahavira, Ahimsa - Non-violence,
Jivadaya - Compassion, Ecology with Jain Teachings and Lains rightfully are proud of anekantvad, which meanslain Code of Conduct. A Religious Poem - Stavan was "multiplicity of viewpoints," "multiple realities of truth, or preformed. There was even a performance of Gandhi Song "open-mindedness". GOL, which is a nonprofit corporation
- Suno Suno Ye Duniya Wale Gandhi Ki Hai Amar Kahani in existence in Huntington, Long Island, New York since
and The Immortal Song. We concluded with a candle lighting 1996 welcomes, the wisdom in this concept. Our philosophy
ceremony and intention for peace. incorporated in our by-laws reflects the elements of anekantvad. GOL is a fellowship where individual spirituality
In Pravin K. Shah's booklet on Jainism he writes, “Lord is recognized and honored through an offering of diverse faith
Mahavir's teachings reflect the internal beauty and harmony philosophies and provides opportunities to be of service to
of the soul. He made religion simple and natural, free from the needy in the local community. We gather light, meaning
elaborate rituals. However, in recent times some elaborate all the perspectives. With very limited knowledge of Jainism,
rituals are introduced which has lost the simplicity of the GOL was formulated inspired by its core principles. Our
ritual aspect of the religion." This event focused on coming idea was based on the validity and necessity of all faiths for
together as a community and in that simple intent, much the ultimate appreciation and understanding of the Divine.
knowledge was gained and the internal beauty and harmony Our vision is to see more and more people of different
of soul was demonstrated. It was exciting to see those who faiths (including nontraditional faiths) come together in
were open to a new way of celebrating Bhagwan Mahavira. an atmosphere of celebration that they may focus on the
Many at Gathering of Light gravitated towards the principles experiential component of the faiths rather than the dogma.
he faiths rather than the dooma of Jainism and saw their relevance for our time. Through Simply put, a world that prays (chants, meditates etc.)
the actions of the Jains, it was clear to see how a Jain way together stays together.
of life is ethical, respectful and honors others, the Earth
and the environment. Ultimately we are one human family, Throughout my experiences in the Multifaith work on Long
n Long searching for contentment, inner happiness and joy. Spiritual
searching for Island, I have been continually impressed by the Jains I
development is the way to uncover these goals. Creating have met. Their compassion was of a genuine quality with
friendship will ensure the success of this venture. This past no apparent personal agenda. The teachings of Bhagwan
Jainism Mahavira Celebration is the start of a beautiful Mahavira, ancient yet so pertinent today were lessons
friendship. Jai Jinendra! necessary to be shared. Celebration plans commenced. The first phone call was placed to Mr. Arvind Vora. The
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