Jai Jinendra!
I thank every one-especially the members of the JAINA Executive Committee and the Working Committees- for helping me during the last two years of my presidency. I have made a humble attempt in propelling JAINA forward and hope that I am leaving JAINA in a better shape than when I took it over as President. I have put in place a lot of changes whose impact may not be seen right away but I am sure will be felt for years to come.
Some of our community members ask: What has JAINA done for me? We have devoted this whole issue of Jain Digest to make you aware of what JAINA is doing for you. Please study the breadth and depth of JAINA's operations. If it is not catering to your needs and if you think it is going in the wrong direction, please speak up and get involved. On the other hand if you feel JAINA is providing many valuable services to the community and them please nurture and support it. Remember you have the power to shape the future of JAINA. To improve the future of JAINA, people should be asking a different question: What can I do for JAINA? As new leaders step in, JAINA will keep marching forward. I truly believe that JAINA as an organization has a huge potential. Our challenge has been and will always be to unite the people with different backgrounds and styles and steer them in the right direction to realize the potential. If we forget our differences, behave like Jain brothers and sisters and pull in the same direction, we can move mountains.
On a personal level, the last two years have been a gratifying and growing experience for me. I have come in contact with so many talented people from whom I have learned a great deal. Having tackled several difficult problems at JAINA, I feel I have a much better understanding of ANEKANTWAD and EQUANIMITY. No amount of book reading would have done that! I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity. I will always cherish the pleasant memories of my association with many new friends and acquaintances for years to come. With Warmest Personal Regards,
Anop R. Vora
(cent from page 1)
From the President....
growth of additional Jain centers and temples within reach of many more communities within our midst. As I plough my way through many other areas of interest, please forward your feedback to me so I can formalize my approach to start this important initiative. Whatever we do, one thing is certain that JAINA will not support a non-unified approach to funding any effort.
As a convener for the last two years I have come across many talented and hard driving people across the country. I have come to realize that in order for the JAINA convention to be truly reflective of JAINA, we need to approach it without burdening the resources of a particular Sangh, at least not for detailed planning and coordination. It would be perfectly justifiable to involve many volunteers for the actual execution, but it would perhaps be wiser to involve professional planners for detailed planning and coordination. I am going to ponder some more on this subject and with the help of our new executive committee see how best to undertake the next convention.
Finally, we must not forget that JAINA's future rests in the hands of its individuals, its Sanghs, and the collective effort of its committees and leaders. We stand at the edge of greatness and now the Jain way of life is needed more than ever in the global community. It is time that Ahimsa and Anekantvad become internationally understood terms. Through our own example of Jain way of living and leading, we can awaken global consciousness and make our Jain community stronger than ever. Join me in making these visions a reality.
With best wishes
cil Kirit Daftary
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Jain Education International