ness), own business, from cultured eduM1127: Gujarati parents invite proposals M864: Gujarati parents invite alliance for cated girls with east-west blends. Call: w/ photo/profile for handsome amiable very handsome fair brilliant successful 206/679-8734. abhisheth@gmail.com successful vegetarian US raised son, Aug vegetarian US born son, Oct 76, 5'11", 73, 5'8", 130 lb, BS EE, IT consultant, 140 lb, BS (civil engg), well positioned as AM466: Gujarati parents invite responses from, cultured educated girls. Email: Project Manager in a reputed co., from for good looking well-settled vegetarian vg_139@yahoo.com
cultured educated pretty girls. Call: US born son, Sept 75, 5'6", BA Chem.,
334/283-5340. gosaliajay@hotmail.com well employed as chemist with Fortune M1128: Jain parents invite proposals wl
500 Co., from educated pretty Gujarati photo / profile for handsome talented M945: Jain parents invite proposals for vegetarian girls. Call: 910/392-2259. vegetarian US citizen son, March 79, very handsome accomplished vegetarian Email: samirmody@aol.com 5'9", MD, doing radiology residency in US born son, June 73, 5'10", MD, doing NY, from well-educated vegetarian beau- fellowship at Harvard, from pretty cul- AM467: Gujarati physician parents invite tiful girls, preferably MD. Call: 516/294- tured vegetarian educated with east-west proposals w/ bio-data photo for hand1968 Email: ddugar@hotmail.com blend girls. rajivrdoshi73@hotmail.com some outgoing athletic US born son,
April 77, 5'10", 165 lb, MD, 2nd year AM455: Gujarati parents invite proposals M1129: Alliance invited from cultured Radiology resident, from professional w/ photo / bio-data for handsome fair pretty girls for very handsome personable beautiful girls. Call: 847/272-5384. vegetarian US citizen widower son, born professional vegetarian Gujarati boy, born Email: BP4647@AIL.COM Aug 66, 5'6", 146 lb, MS (polymer eng) Sept 73, 5'6", 130 lb, MS (Fin. engg. Uni MS (marketing) well positioned, from of Michigan, Ann Arbor), currently well AM468: Parents invite responses w/ biowell educated pretty cultured Jain girls. positioned in Singapore and willing to data photo for very handsome fair athletCall: 410/672-6327 or 412/953-3723. settle in USA. email: nishish@ ic US born son, Dec 74, 5'10", 145 lb, Email: jayesh 98@yahoo.com hotmail.com. Ph: +65-6345-8210. Ivy league JD / MBA, investment banker
at top firm, from pretty fair professional AM456: Gujarati parents invite proposals M1130: Alliance invite for handsome girls. Email: shahnana5@hotmail.com wl bio-data / photo for handsome vege- vegetarian Gujarati boy, born March 77, tarian US citizen son, born Oct 80, 5'10", 6'0", 165 lb, MD, doing fellowship in AM469: Gujarati parents invite responses 150 lb, BS (EE), from reputed school, cardiology in NY, from cultured pretty for brilliant good looking vegetarian US working as design engineer in reputed co., vegetarian well educated girls. Call: born son, June 79, 5'8", JD (Cornell from cultured educated vegetarian pretty 718/619-4277. drnishant@hotmail.com Uni.) practicing Attorney in NY state, girls. Call: 214/547-0494. hdj51@hot
from cultured educated pretty girls. mail.com
M1131: Jain parents invite proposals w/ 607/339-6250. email: adoshi@gmail.com
photo for handsome intelligent US raised AM458: Successful Gujarati engineer son, Aug 78, 5'10", BS Accounting, pur- AM470: Parents invite proposals w/ bioworking in computer security, born 77, suing law degree, expected May 06, from data photo, from outgoing Jain vegetarian 5'8", MS in progress, US citizen, cultured fair slim vegetarian cultured Gujarati girls, for their vegetarian US born son, traveled athletic seeks partnership with girls. Email: clifton 96_2000@yahoo.com April 80, 6'2", MD, doing first year US citizen open-minded cultured educat
orthopedic surgery residency. Email: mared girls. Call: 443/739-3223. M1132: Alliance invited for handsome wadijain@hotmail.com lotus87@mac.com
talented vegetarian Gujarati boy, born
June 78, 5'9", 154 lb, MS (comp sc), well AM471: Jain parents invite proposals w/ AM462: Gujarati parents invite proposals employed in S. California, from Indian bio-data photo for handsome brilliant US for talented successful vegetarian US citi- born / raised educated vegetarian Gujarati born son, Jan 76, 5'7", MS (EE), doing zen son, born Aug 77, 5'5", 112 lb, MS girls. Call: 714/595-4672.
won bldg development business, from (Fin) well positioned with reputed bank Email: has2bshah@gmail.com
well educated pretty girls w/ family valas Fin Manager, from cultured educated
ues. Call: 909/594-8705. girls. Call: 201/417-8917. Email: deepal- M1133: Gujarati parents invite responses Email: sumervardhan@yahoo.com shah02@yahoo.com
for good looking brilliant vegetarian son,
born Nov 79,5'1", 125 lb, MS (I.T.), well AM472: Gujarati parents invite responses AM463: Gujarati parents invite response employed, from suitable educated cul- for good looking vegetarian US citizen for handsome talented vegetarian US cit- tured match. Call: 617/481-2153. Email: son, Jan 76, 5'7", 150 lb, MD, from culizen son, Feb 75, 5'6", 130 lb, MD, doing paragdesai79@hotmail.com
tured professional vegetarian girls. Call: 2nd Year internal medicine residency,
973/403-7649. Email: VEGDOCfrom cultured educated vegetarian mang- M1134: Gujarati parents invite proposals TOR@YAHOO.COM lik girls. Email: mshah226@gmail.com for handsome vegetarian successful US Ph. 516/996-9851. raised son April 78, 5'6", MS (Ind busi