1. Two references who are members of the Jain Community or other Indian organizations. A. Name:
Our world is shrinking and we are a global village and life is not always easy. However, we can carry our philosophy and our value system that is very worth while, with us. Accept the challenge and make your choice be a worth while one.
Member of:
B. Name: - Address:
Placing an Ad and Registration with MIS Anyone wishing to place an ad and register with the MIS must follow these instructions care-fully: 1. Fill out the attached Registration Form Page 1 and Page 2..
The registrant must fill out this form. Do not leave anything blank. . You may draft an ad yourself in 30 words or
less. MIS reserve the right to edit all such ads. 2. Mail the the completed form + a check in the amount of
$25 payable to Hasmukh M. Shah. Leave the Memo or For
column blank. 3. A recent photo of yourself with your name printed on the
back. 4. Upon receipt of this information the MIS will arrange to
publish your ad in the JAIN DIGEST - but only once. You may repeat it in the subsequent issues by mailing $25. JAIN DIGEST is a quarterly publication.
Member of:
2. Indicate your personal preference of these criteria for the match. Age: Between the ages of __and __or open. Height: Between the height of and or open. Weight: Between the weight of
or open. Education: Bachelor Masters Degree Other Major Vegetarian: YES ONO Work experience: YES O NO Residence: (state) Visa Status: Length of time in North America: North America: ___
years. Language. English: YES NO Other (specify):
Placing an Ad Only If you do not wish to send photo and wish to draft an ad yourself, you may do so in 30 words or less. Remember that the MIS reserve the right to edit all such ads. Fill out MIS Registration Form pagel only (without leaving anything blank), or you may provide the entire information as asked for in this form. Follow step 2 above. It is very necessary for MIS to complete its database with the information available in Form pagel, without which MIS will not be able to process your ad for publication. Please note, your ad will be published once, but you can repeat it by mailing check of $25.
CONGRATULATIONS! Female: 185, Male: 170 (Married / Engaged) JAINA would like to congratulate all couples who have come together with the help of the services of the MIS. JAINA wishes to thank them for their generous donation. More and more Jains around the world are not only appreciating this much needed service, but are also taking advantage of it. Simultaneously, the flow of ads in JAIN DIGEST is gradually increas
Responding to an Ad (only if contact info isn't available). If the phone number or address is not given in the ad, then you must contact the candidate through MIS. Follow these step-by-step instructions. Place your bio-data and a recent photograph of yourself in a sealed, stamped envelope with your return address in the upper left-hand corner and the MIS ad reference number in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Leave space on the envelope for an address. Place this envelope in another envelope with your return address in the upper left-hand corner and mail it to Hasmukh M. Shah. Upon receipt of these responses the MIS will place the ad holders address on the inner envelope and mail it. Remember, MIS is not responsible for responses that do not conform to these instructions.
Guideline to all perspective participants Be positive, constructive, creative and friendly! No match is going to be "perfect. Complement and support each other practicing re-spect,sharing, acquire knowledge and maintaining your uniqueness while keeping an open mind. These are the qualities that make for human perfection.
Please notify the MIS Please notify the MIS when an engagement or marriage has been announced. This helps us to know if this community service is working to help maintain our traditions. Please note that if a successful alliance has taken place, both parties will agree to donate what ever amount they wish to JAINA to help defray the cost of publication.
Jain Education Intemational
For Private & Personal Use Only 27. JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2005