Achievements of the last two years:
• Added three new Jain Centers to the JAINA net2004-2005 was a year when Jivdaya committee really became work, bringing the total strength to 65 member associations. active and put in practice our core belief. We received donations to JIVDAYA from twenty different centers so that we could sup- Kamlesh Shah, Chairman: port animal shelters and panjarapols. We joined hands with The Vegetarian Society of Bombay (Compassion for Life) to channel collected funds to small panjarapols in remote parts who may MARRIAGE INFORMATION SERVICE not have facilities to accept foreign funds. Now anyone in North America can designate his or her favorite animal shelter to Marriage Information Service was promoted at the receive their donation and our committee will work with that Toronto Convention of JAINA in July 1989. I took over the charity. Last year we distributed $25,000 to 14 animal shelters work of MIS from Mr. F. J. Dalal, from end of 1993. in India and this year our goal is to double our collection.
The years 2003, 2004 and current year have been hectic
with the growth and rising interest of the community as the Pramodaben Chitrabhanu, Chairperson
number of young adults of marriageable age is growing rapidly. Approximately 1625 candidates' information is stored in MIS
Database, out of which approx. 366 ads were published during MEDIA / PUBLIC RELATIONS
the last two years. These are mostly new registrants.
So far about 400 boys and girls married / engaged with The Media and Public Relations Committee came into the help of MIS. This figure might be more than this as we do existence primarily in 2004. Our objectives are to represent not get feedback from the registrants after they are married / JAINA in the best possible way to the outside world and to engaged. With our own net-work we could get this figure. interact with various media outlets to ensure coverage of More and more Jains are taking interest in Matrimonial JAINA's events in the media. During 2004, the Media and ads published in Jain Digest and by also contacting MIS for Public Relations committee has made a concerted effort to high- more information and requesting to provide suitable leads. light every newsworthy event in the media. Events like JAINA medical camps; Ahimsa Center, Barcelona Conference, etc have Objective: generally been covered nicely by the media. We have established • Jains to marry Jains. a rapport with various media outlets and are gradually educating . Institutions of MARRIAGE and FAMILY to continthem about JAINA's objectives and activities. A similar effortue to be the foundation of cultural values of the society-in-forhas also been initiated in other areas. For example, educating mation and taking roots outside India. and informing the members of the US Congress about JAINA . Candidates to be provided with wider choices for and Jainism. We will continue to put the best foot forward and compatible, durable and happy marriages. publicize JAINA's newsworthy activities on a regular basis to the . Creating awareness about the selection process in outside world.
"Marriage" among the Jain community through scientific techWe are involved in the planning of JAINA Convention nique of Communication and Counseling based on 2005 and helping with Marketing/Public Relations tasks. Information.
Nitin Talsania, Chairperson
Hasmukh M. Shah, Chairperson
Purpose: To strengthen JAINA by bringing Jain families across This committee was established in Summer of 2004 to North America under the umbrella of JAINA through their Jain write the History of Jains in North America. It is believed that Centers.
the Jains arrived to North America (NA) over 100 years ago. As Major achievements since inception:
population of Jains increased, it led to establishment of Jain • Encouraged many small Jain groups and associations Centers and JAINA. This increased the awareness and spread of to become a member of JAINA.
Jainism in NA. • Promoted JAINA by explaining numerous benefits • Questionaire and related information was develof becoming a member association of JAINA.
oped and sent to all Jain Centers in NA. • Promoted individual subcommittees of JAINA, e.g. . Addresses of Jain Centers were established with the Education, MIS, Scholar Visitation, etc.
help of Jaina. • Assisted a number of Jain study groups and associa- . Contact with all Jain Centers were established. tions through the membership application process.
. Packages of questionaires were sent out electronical• Developed simplified documentation to facilitate ly as well as by mail. faster approval of new applications.
. History article appeared in the Jain Digest to Jain Education Interational 10. JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2005