deserved break from classes for Summer after a very successful banner year with over 150 students attending six different classes for different age groups. A Parents Day was celebrated on May 9th to appreciate the parents of Pathshala students for their continued encouragement to the kids and their efforts to bring Pathshala students to the center every Sunday. On June 27 Pathshala students participated in performing the Snatra Pooja in the temple with explanation in English.
two older groups made a joint presentation covering all 12 Bhavna's with small skits, a little poem in Hindi and an explanation in English. This year Jain Sangh from Austin (about 60 people)joined us for this Mahavir Jayanti celebration. Their children also performed some cultural items to enhance the activities. The program was concluded with usual Boli's.
Mahavir Jayanti Celebrations were held on April 11th. The program included Jainism skits and dances presented by Pathshala kids along with the readings of Bhagwan Mahavir. Adults also took part in "Nirmohi Nagari" skit and "Manjira Dance". Inauguration of Mr. Kirit Gosalia's book "Primer of Jain principles" was also done. Of course, good Swami Vatsalya followed the program. For information, please contact Mahendra Shah (President, JCGP) at 602-493-9745 or email: jain_phoenix@hotmail.com.
YJA Southwest Regional Conference was hosted by the Youth Group of the JSNT on April 9-11 this year and some children from Houston and Austin took part along with local children.
We are very fortunate to have the presence of Samani Sanmati Pragyaji and Unnat Pragyaji in Houston and we avail of their presence with lectures every Sunday morning. Also on Sunday, July 18 Samanijis arranged a whole day Summer Shibir for the youngsters.
JSH also hosted a Chaitya Paripati group of the Pooja Mandal ladies from Chicago one weekend. They performed a Snatra Pooja in the temple. JSH also conducted a Health Shibir of Shri Maa Anantanand who represents a unique confluence of Science & Spirituality. A combination of the principles of Ayurved with Yoga and Spirituality were discussed for treating patients with chronic illnesses.
Among the dignitaries we had Pandit Abhaykumar Shastri in June, Sunandaben Vohra in July, Hukumchandji Bharill in July, Pandit Dhirajbhai Mehta in August Shubhamji also came in August and gave discourses covering the entire Gyan Saar. JSNT contact is our current president Bhal Daulat at 214-8241953, email: thewhiterocker@ yahoo .com. JSNT website is www.dfwjains.
The first quarter of 2004 has been full of activities for the Jain families in Phoenix area. The new executive committee was elected with Mr. Ajit Shah as president.
JSH is in the process of developing plans for the expansion of the Jain Center and we keep acquiring land nearby as it becomes available. Our thanks to a member Ramesh Shah, who is helping with such land acquisition. For more information about our activities please contact JSH President Dilip Kapasi at 281-980-4567 or Navin Shah, JAINA Director at 281-565-9780 or e-mail at navinrshah@yahoo. com.
Jain Religion recognized by the Ohio bicentennial
Commission In recognition of Ohio's bicentennial in 2003, the Religious Experience Advisory Council of the Ohio Bicentennial Commission was established to celebrate the state's diversity of religion and faith traditions. The end result of the council's efforts, “Religion in Ohio: Profiles of Faith Communities" book edited by Tarunjit J. Butalia and Dianne Small (published in June 2004) tells the story of Ohio's religious and spiritual heritage going back to the state's ancient and historic native populations, and including the westward migration of settlers to this region, the development of a wide variety of faith traditions in the years preceding the mid-twentieth century, and the arrival of many newer immigrants in the last fifty year's, each group bringing with it cherished traditions. Documenting the religious pluralism in Ohio, this book included chapters on the historical experiences and beliefs of over forty Christian groups, as well as Native American, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha'i, Jain and Zoroastrian faiths. Member of each faith or denomination wrote chapter of one's own religion.Dr.Tansukh Salgia who was the member of this council, has, with the help of his wife Bharati, written the Jain chapter. Contact tsalgial@netzero.net for info about book. More information about the book writes to jwilson 1 @ohio.edu or wants to purchase on line at Amazon.com
The Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on April 4, 2004 at the Jain Center in Richardson, Texas. It began with the Snatra Pooja. After some Stavans, the young group of Pathshala children presented their program including a skit about Nem's Baraat coming to Rajul's place. Some of the children depicting those animals looked rather cute. The
The tenth annual Jain camp was held in February near Payson, AZ. About 80 members took part in camp where objective was to learn about Jainism, social bonding and teamwork Children took part in Essay and poem competition on Jainism topics. Sessions were conducted on Jainism, team building, and debates on current affairs. Camp ended with talent show presented by Kids and Adults alike. The annual picnic of JCGP was held on March 21st, where almost 125 members attended the event. Good food, cricket, bingo game, and hiking were the main activities enjoyed by the participants at the picnic.
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