Executive Committee members present were as follows: Mr. patron program JAINA is financially doing well. A detailed report Anop Vora, Mr. Kirit Daftary, Mr. Sushil Jain, Mr. Jit Turakhia, will be posted on JAINA web site. Jit commented that in Mrs. Lata Champsee, Mr. Udai Jain, Mr. Sumati Shah, and Mr. cooperation with committee chair, he would issue a donation Pravin Shah.
receipt for an amount exceeding $250. If someone needs a recipt Directors, Center Presidents, Committee chairs and Co- for an amount under $250 they should write to him with request. chairs, and guests present were as follows: Dr. Narendra Shah,
A resolution (EC03-004) was passed that each committee and Mr. Dilip V. Shah, Mr. Girish Shah, Mr. Bipin Shah, Mr. Chirag
sub-committee chairperson should submit quarterly financial Shah, Miss Nisha Jain, Mr. Anil Shah, Mr. Sameer Shah, Mr. Activity repor
Mr activity reports to the treasurer even if the report is negative (no Nilesh Chheda, Mr. Raju Shah, Mr. Kirti K. Shah, Mr. Vasanthancial activity). Kenia, Mr. Deepak Shah, Mr. Vinod Jain, Miss Shilpa Shah, Mr. Convention 2005 presentation: Kirit Daftary commented Jitesh Mehta.
that JAINA 2005 would be hosted by Jain Center of Northern Mr. Raju Shah, President of Atlanta Jain Society, welcomed California in Santa Clara. A draft of convention planning and every one and announced events and activities for the next two
operations guidelines was distributed for discussion. He briefly days. Anop, JAINA President, called the meeting to order at
went over the guidelines and requested that each Jain center should 9:15AM with the
get involved in at least one convention committee. Bipin Shah opening prayer by
and Girish Shah made a all. After a brief
detailed presentation introduction by
regarding the each, Anop offered
convention. They many positive
presented an overview of accolades in favor
their motivation, goals of JAINA
and objectives for the volunteers. He
convention. The details remarked that as a
of their Jain community, result of committee
and convention site were restructuring JAINA is proceeding with full speed ahead from
also described. A many directions. He briefly outlined committee accomplishments
resolution (ECO3-005) was passed to request funds from JAINA and thanked the team members for their excellent service and
Charitable Trust in the amount of $5,000 for YJA convention achievement. In addition, he announced that during the February 20
2004 and $10,000 for JAINA Convention 2005. EC teleconference meeting, the JAINA 2005 convention location Jain Exhibit: Presentation by Robert Arnett. Mr. Amett made was awarded to Santa Clara, CA Convention center under the a Power Point presentation of a sample exhibit he has created leadership of Kirit Daftary as the convener and Girish Shah & regarding India. He proposed that a similar photo exhibit be Bipin Shah as the co-conveners.
created on Jainism/JAINA. Pravin volunteered to explore other Minutes of Executive Committee (EC) meeting held on 3 available options. Oct 2003 at Siddhachalam were approved. The minutes of Technology Committee: Girish Shah made a Power Point Directors at Large meeting held on 4 Oct 2003 at Siddhachalam presentation outlining goals, objectives, scope and developmental would be presented to Board of Directors for approval in Oct 04. process to revamp JAINA website. In addition, he outlined
Treasurer's report: Jit announced that YJA bas $48K & necessary elements of a website, as well as suggested a site menu YJP has $6K. These monies are in separate accounts under the
and associated project time lines. Vinod Jain, web master of Jain supervision of JAINA treasurer. Due to convention surplus and
World com, made an excellent presentation of his web site. He outlined his multilingual web site and the global usage rate
JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2004/3
Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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