tee discussed the JAINA business and in a variety of celebrations that represent Surendra Shah, Regional Editor treasurer's report.
different festivals of different Indian Mr. Bipin Shah made a presentation on
religions. Many pictures of Jain temples, the theme and planning for 2005 JAINA gods, puja ceremonies were displayed by Mr. ATLANTA, GA
convention at Santa Clara, California. Taank. Nisha Jain and Chirag Shah gave the pre- Jain Society of Orlando booth displayed
sentation on the activities of YJA . Shilpa JAINA Education books, Samvosaran, Jain In December 2003, the society held an
Shah & Jitesh Shah gave an account of the Temple, idols made from different nual elections for the executive committee
activities of YJP (Young Jain Professionals). materials. The JSOCF president for the calendar year 2004. Mr. Rajubhai
Mr.Shashikant Shah & Mr. Rajendra Mehta Shah was reelected as the president. Mr. Mr. Vinod Daryapurkar of the Atlanta
represented JSOCF at an information Chetan Gala, Mr. Vasant Kenia, Mr. Anil society gave a presentation on mission *24L*
booth for JAINISM at the exhibition. Shah and Mr. Ketan Shah were elected as activities for www.jainworld.com site. The
Nearly six hundred members of the Central the Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary *24L* refers to the availability of site on 24
Florida community attended the opening and Youth / Education Secretary respec- major languages of the world. Mr.
day activities which included brief talks on tively. Mrs. Madhuben Sheth and Shailesh
h Daryapurkar has contributed significantly Daryapurkar has contributed significantly
different religions differen
of India, free Shah are the Executive members. to the project.
performances of traditional Indian folk The JAINA executive meeting was fol- dances and music in the SCC concert hall lowed by the town hall type meeting on by local performers. The multi-religion March 14,2004. Over 125 Atlanta Society poster displayed at the booth which members attended the meeting. These explained the fundamental beliefs of all the types of meetings cause awareness about major religions of the world was very well various JAINA activities and conversely it received by the visitors. The JSOCF makes JAINA aware of the member needs. information booth attracted a very positive
responses.JSOCF represented by Darshan Shah & Samyak Shah spoke briefly about
Jainism in front of an attentive audience of Above & right: JAINA Executive
nearly two hundred people. Students of the Committee meets Atlanta Jain Sangh on
University of Florida's Bhangra Club were March 13, 2004, below: Pathshala students reciting navkarmantra
among the many talented artists who performed in Sunday's free events. It was an exhilarating day of celebration of Indian culture and community and more than one hundred children participated in the day's events.
This photo exhibit was an unusual ORLANDO, FL
opportunity for local audiences to get a taste
of the joyous enthusiasm with which the The JAINA Executive Committee held
Indian community celebrates its culture. its quarterly meeting on March 13, 2004
The Jain Society of Central Florida,
The exhibit images are of real Florida at the Atlanta Jain Centre. Mr.Anop Vora, Orlando along with a member of JAINA
families engaged in a variety of celebrations the president, Mr. Kirit Dafatary the First Education Committee Mr. Rajendra Mehta
that represent different festivals of different Vice president, Mr., Sushil Jain the secre- organized a Jain booth at "Indian Festivals
Indian religions. Various images of the Jain tary and Mr. Jitu Turakhia the Treasurer in Florida" a photographic exhibit
Derasar in Central Florida, the Sikh festival were part of the executive committee. The sponsored by the Asian Cultural Association
of Baisakhi, the Hindu festival of Diwali Regional Vice presidents, Udai Jain, Pravin of Central Florida in the SCC Fine Arts
and many more holidays are represented in Shah, Dr. Sumati Shah and Mrs. Lata Gallery. The exhibit featured photographs
these beautiful images. Champsee were also present. The commit- by Avi Taank of real Florida families engaged 26 / JAIN DIGEST. Spring 20004
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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