Many in North America have realized, at least since 9/11, that interfaith interaction is a necessity. Some of us Jains as part of our upbringing and a strong belief in "All Life Is Bound Together By Mutual Support and Interdependence" have been involved in interfaith activities for more than a decade. Anopbhai Vora, JAINA President, to put Jain motto of Parasparopgraho Jivanam in action has strongly committed his and JAINA's resources. Some of the initiatives of his administration include
Expand and energize interfaith committee
Active participation/contribution in national interfaith organizations such as RFP (Religions for Peace USA – formerly WCRP-USA World Council for Religion and Peace)
Joining hands with similar Jain organizations (e.g., WJC World Jain Confederation based in India) in other parts of the world to provide Jain interfaith activities at a global level. Parliament of World Religions gathering at Barcelona this July 2004 will have a coordinated representation of Jains from India, Europe, and North America - perhaps Africa, too - thanks to collaborative efforts and JAINA initiative.
Just to cite one perspective in encountering difficulties for interfaith work is enough to visualize the enormity of the task that lies ahead of us. Many of us in our 40s, 50s or 60s have not yet, to our satisfaction, understood even our Jain faith despite the best available resources. Then to grasp the basics of few more faiths is a challenge, to put it mildly, never mind dozens of other faiths! We would like to communicate with you by mail, e-mail, or if need be through a meeting. One of the elements in the overall "big" plan is to provide consistent yet simplified Jain principles for other than Jains to understand.
We hope to hear from you, and more importantly, about your interfaith activities.
Arvind Vora 1-631-269-1167 avora@optonline.net
Jain Education International 2010_03
Naresh Jain Njain52253@aol.com 1-201-933-8963
Hema Pokhrana ahinsa@hydeparkaccess.com
For Private & Personal Use Only
Prakash Mody mody@sympatico.ca 1-416-491-5560