A Way of Life, Neither a Dogma, nor a Belief
F.J. Dalal
THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPT: AHIMSA PARAMO 7. Some violence is inevitable for Survival of Life. This violence DHARMA: NONVIOLENCE (Harmlessness) is the foremost can be reduced infinitely through Restraint. The ultimate Religion. Ahimsa, a nebulous term, includes SATYA (Truth),
Goal is Perfect Purification of the Soul totally detached from ASTEYA (Non-Stealing), BRAHMACHARYA (Celibacy,
all Karmas. Restraint), and APARIGRAHA (Non-possession, Detachment) 8. DOGMAS/Scriptures (Shastras and Sutras) are written by
People in the NAME of GODS, perfectly purified Souls, THE GOAL: The ultimate purpose of life is to purify the immortal whose lives are the basis of their Philosophy. This, in turn, Soul to Perfection such that the cycle of birth and death is ended. propounds Theories and Principles. When Formalized,
Dogmas form the basis of Structured Religions that emphasize THE PATH: LIVE AND LET LIVE.' It is the PRACTICE of and prioritize them. When proved outdated, they need to be Non-Violence in daily life at every step of the way.
ANEKANT (Multiplicity cf Views) and SYADVAD THE BASIS:
(Relativeness of the Truth): Practice of Principles of any 1. It is a logical, scientific, rational, and natural way of life for Religion is purely a Personal Matter. Therefore, there is no every Living Being
need to CONVERT any one. Each one practices according 2. Every Living Being has an Indestructible SOUL that can be to its abilities (Yatha Shakti). These practices have various
perfected. SOUL has no distinction of sex, status or form. different facets, aspects and angles that need not be the cause Only the BODY that every soul takes is different.
or ground for CONFLICT. 3. THEORY OF KARMA: ACTIONS (Purushartha) are the 10. STRUCTURED RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS create basis of attachments to soul. As you sew, so you reap.
Hierarchies and Vested Interests to sustain them. Therefore, 4. THEORY OF REINCARNATION: Soul takes different
we see numerous sects and sub-sects in all of them. Power, bodies of one to five Senses, such as human being, animal,
Position, and Authority are their Hidden Motives. bird, insect, plant, etc. based on Karma attached to it. 11. RELIGION AND SCIENCE are inherently the different 5. UNIVERSE is Begginingless and Endless. It transforms and
phases of unfolding and evolving universal Realities, The perpetuates. "MATTER IS INDESTRUCTIBLE.'
TRUTH. They are neither against nor contradictory to each Otherwise, 'Who created the Universe? And who created the
other. creator of the Universe?
12. TRADITIONS are Practices prevalent at certain times in the The GOD is neither the Creator, nor the Sustainer, nor the
PAST. There cannot be any SACROSANCT about them. Destroyer. Otherwise, 'Who created God?' Temples, Idol
To-day's practices will become tomorrow's Traditions. Nothing Worship, Rituals, etc. are extensions of the Belief in God as
remains constant, except CHANGE. Meaningless and Trinityl Trimurti in other Religions.
Wasteful Past TRADITIONS, CELEBRATIONS, and RITUALS (Ceremonies) are not the Religion.
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