Over 250 members participated in the dent at (918) 369-3163 or by email at Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor
Mahavir Jayanti Celebration. Key activities KANARU@aol.com. included: Play by pathshala children - Upadan vs. Nimit, Wheel of Karma game,
Prayers by Band, Garbo and Dinner. NORTH TEXAS (DALLAS AREA)
SOUTH EAST The center is getting ready to host Jain
Surendra Shah, Regional Editor scholars over next 2-3 months. For details The Mahavir Jayanti celebration began on the center's activities, visit http:// with the Snatra Pooja. The younger group members.tripod.com/jain phoenix/ Conpresented a skit about Megh Kumarâs pre- tact for Jain Center of Greater Phoenix - E- ATLANTA, GA vious life as an elephant. Children had mail address: Jain_phoenix@hotmail.com For the first time in Atlanta, Babubhai dressed up as the forest animals such as
or Mehul Rajparia at (602) 795-4987 email Kadiwala and his group performed Siddha monkeys, rabbits, cheetah, antelope, jaguar, Q." Mehul.Raiparia@sybase.com.
chakra pujan on April 13, 2002. About 250 tiger, etc. and of course, two together as an
people took the opportunity of the occaelephant. During the forest fire, a rabbit got
sion. Harshadbhai and Ramilaben Gandhi under the elephants foot when elephant lifted his leg for an itch. He then did not
family sponsored the puja and dinner. TULSA, OK
The Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on put his foot down for over 2 days, thereby
April 27 and April 28, 2002 at the center. saving that rabbit. As a result of such non- Newly elected committee and trustees
The program started on April 27, with violence, he became Prince Megh Kumar of the Tulsa Jain Sangh are making a great
Navanu Prakari Puja conducted by Mr. in the next life and later took Diksha (and headway and positive progress towards our
" Virendra Shah from New Jersey. Then it was headed for Moksha in the next life). The Derashar and Hall project. We will start
followed by cultural program. The celebra two older groups presented a joint program within six to eight weeks to complete our
tion continued next day with Snatra Puja of questions and answers about Jainism and Derashar, followed by the balance of the
and Varghodo (Procession). Bhagwan Mahavir. Audience participation project. We need support from our entire was the main theme as their names were Jain community in the USA. drawn at random. It was a great learning We celebrated 2600th birthday of Lord experience for many adults. The program Mahavir on April 20th by Snatra Puja and NORTHEAST continued with the Manglik, Aartis, Shanti meaning of Ahimsa by our Trustee Surendra Dinesh Chheda, Regional Editor Kalash, Samuh Chaitya Vandan and a deli- Doshi. We had “Sangh Lunch". Our valcious lunch. Jain population in this area hasued members from Edmond and Norman, grown a lot and a program like this is at- OK joined us to celebrate this auspicious tended by 250-300 people. day. Our young pathshala students started
ESSEX FELLS, NJ Swadhyay frequency has increased to reciting 26 Malas during the month of twice in Hindi and twice in Gujarati weekly. April. They were inspired by our Jain JSNT contact is our current president Dr.
Pathshala Teacher. Adults joined in also and Aayambil Oli was celebrated with lot of Minaxi Rathod at 903-868-1174, email: the final total ended up with 2600 Malas enthusiasm. More than 100 people particiminaxil@yahoo.com.
in celebration of 2600h Mahvir Jayanti. pated in Samuh Aayambil at our Dehrasar.
We are very proud to congratulate our Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated with Snatra
young member Mr. Ronak Shah (son of our Puja at our Dehrasar followed by a cultural PHOENIX, AZ
past president Mr. Mukesh Shah) who has program. This year more than 170 been elected as Co-Chairman of YJA and Pathshala students performed on stage de2002 Convention
picting Jain culture. Mr. Upendra In addition to weekly pathshala for
Please visit our website at Chivukula, the first Indian American to be children and adults, the Jain Center of www.tulsaiainsangh.org. We will provide an New Jersey State assemblyman, was the Greater Phoenix had a lot of activities since update of our activities and progress on our chief guest. January of 2002. Some of these activities
Derashar and Hall project. We need your Derashar and Hall proiect. We need your
We were fortunate to welcome the mem
We were forrinate to were Camp in February, Picnic in March
support. Please contact Kanti Shah, presi- bers of Jain Sanghs from West Virginia, and Mahavir Jayanti Celebration in April.
Boston, and Cherry Hill at our Dehrasar.
18/JAIN DIGEST. SUMMER 2002 Jain Education Intemational
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