by Surendra Singhvi, Cincinnati, OH
JAINA has accepted the invitation of the Jain Center of Cin- and all past presidents with present president Bipin Parikh acting cinnati & Dayton to host the 2003 Convention in Cincinnati, as its chairman. The committee is charged with the responsibility Ohio. The convention will start in the afternoon of July 3 (Thurs- of oversight of all activities that are planned for the 2003 JAINA day) and end in the afternoon of July 6 (Sunday).
convention. JAINA and the Jain Center of Cincinnati & Dayton have The theme for the 2003 convention is “Jainism - The Art of jointly formed 2003 JAINA Convention Board (JCB) consisting Living". A logo is being prepared. of seven members -two representing JAINA Executive Commit
Registration is proposed in four stages. Early Bird registratee, two representing the 2001 Chicago Convention and three rep
tion will be between October 15, 2002 and January 15, 2003. resenting the Jain Center of Cincinnati & Dayton. The JAINA Executive Committee approved the JCB on March 23, 2002 in
Registration forms will be available in the fall issue of Jain Digest. Chicago. Below is a brief description of the JCB members and Cincinnati Convention Center has been reserved as the site their responsibilities:
of the convention, which can accommodate upto 10,000 indi
viduals. The center is connected through sky walk with five hotels 1. Anop Vora is the convener of the convention. He is cur
with 2500 rooms. The center has space for 100 exhibition booths. rently the First Vice President of JAINA and a former treasurer of JAINA. He resides in Rochester, NY. His telephone number is
JCB is preparing guidelines that will be followed for acceptance of
proposals from Jain organizations and for-profit businesses. 716-473-9290. (vora 5000@yahoo.com) 2. Surendra Singhvi is a co-convener of the convention and
JCB is organizing the 2003 convention so that it provides the
North American Jain Community the unique learning experience JAINA director from the Jain Center of Cincinnati & Dayton. He is a former treasurer of JAINA and the founding president of
and enjoyable cultural programs. Participation of all member Jain
centers would be required to make such a convention the best the local center. He resides in Dayton and his telephone no. is
ever. JCB will be requesting all Jain centers for cooperation in 937-885-7414. surendra_singhvi@hotmail.com
planning the convention activities which would include discourses 3. Soha Shah is a co-convener of the convention, and the on topics that are relevant to the practice of Jainism, Jain rituals, immediate past president of the Jain Center of Cincinnati & Day- cultural program and youth activities. ton. She is the first youth co-convener of JAINA convention. She resides in Piqua, Ohio and her telephone no. is 937-773-3906
Without the financial support of our community, the con
vention can't succeed. JCB intends to raise approximately $250,000 sohashah@hotmail.com
through donations for the convention. Fund raising efforts for 4. Bipin D. Parikh is the current president of JAINA and a the convention will begin soon. If you would like to help in fund former convener of the 2001 JAINA convention. He was a trustee raising or bringing advertisements for the souvenir book, please of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago.
contact the JCB members. 5. Keerti N. Shah is a trustee at the Jain Society of Metro- If you have any suggestions or would like to help us in various politan Chicago. He was the chairman of Finance Committee of activities that are being planned, please contact the convener or the 2001 JAINA convention. He will
co-conveners. oversee the financial matters of the 2003 Convention.
6. Samprati Shah is a trustee at the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago and was the chairman of Program committee of
(continued from page 14) the 2001 JAINA convention. He will oversee the programming
So Tap means to accept the happy or unhappy situations as matters of the 2003 convention.
they arise. There is no welcome for unhappy life, but one needs to Z. Mahesh Shah is the chairman of the Jain Center of Cin- be prepared for accepting unhappiness when it occurs. Tap concinnati & Dayton Trustee Board and the past president of the sists of remaining calm and cool under all circumstances without local center. He chairs the fund raising committee of the 2003 indulging in the sense of euphoria under favorable circumstances convention. He resides in Dayton, Ohio.
or the sense of resentment or depression in unfavorable ones. In accordance with JAINA convention guidelines , JAINA Whatever hardships or discomfort may occur, the true observer of Executive Committee has appointed the Convention Activity Re- Tap remains unaffected. Tap thus consists of passing through the view and Advisory Committee consisting of Ravindra Kobawala duality of happiness and unhappiness without being affected by from Chicago, Arvind Vora from New York, Satish Seth from L.A. either of them.
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