M489: Gujarati parents invite responses for M892: Jain parents invite correspondence M917: Alliance invited for good looking, their handsome, fair, talented, vegetarian, with biodata / photo from professional, intelligent, vegetarian, Jain boy, born Sept US born son, March 71, 5'9", 155 lb, MS vegetarian girls, for very fair, handsome, 74, 5'3", 145 lb, MS (EE), well employed Comp. Engg. (Cornell Uni.), successful Canadian born son, Nov 73,5'10", 150 lb, in a reputed co., from cultured, educated, computer consultant, from pretty, cultured, MD, Final year resident: Gestrointrology. vegetarian girls. Call: 9377435-6171. Email: educated Jain girls. Call: 410/771-0251.or Email: sandyjain 99@hotmail.com
mjain22@aol.com keran_mehta@yahoo.com
M897: Gujarati parents invite responses for M918: Alliance invited for very handsome, M638: Jain parents invite proposals for very US raised, good looking, intelligent, talented, vegetarian, teetotaler, Gujarati boy, handsome, accomplished, vegetarian, US vegetarian son, born March 1974, 5'10", born Oct 74, 6'0", BS (comp science/ raised son, born Feb 72, 6'0", MD 150 lb, BS (Biochemistry), well employed financial / economics), working as Sr. (neuroradiology), from pretty, cultured, in Biotech firm, from cultured, educated, Analyst with Goldman Sachs (NYC), from vegetarian, educated girls. Call: 763/559- pretty girls. Call: 408/733-1328. Email: virtuous, beautiful, family oriented girls. 1061. Email: kjain 105@hotmail.com veshahl@yahoo.com
Call: 718/347-3083. Email:
zealous_rafter@yahoo.com M772: Alliance invited by Jain parents M898: Gujarati parents seek alliance for (Intl. Business Family) for Swiss born / handsome, talented, vegetarian US raised M919: Gujarati parents invite proposals for Citizen, handsome, vegetarian, non-smoker, son, born Aug 74, 5'8", 150 lb, MS (EE), handsome, fair, intelligent, successful, non-drinker, talented son, March 74, 5'10", well employed, from cultured, professional vegetarian, US born son, Oct 75,5'4", 130 CFA, MBA, well positioned in Citibank (preferably MD, Pharmacist or R. Nurse lb, DDS, Dentist, doing specialization in Corp. Fin., from well educated, cultured girls). Call: 414/476-3137.Email: Orthodontics, from cultured, educated, girls. Ph: 0041-22-8850355. Email: saumit@execpc.com
vegetarian girls. Call: 732/329-0589. Email: sanghvigeneva@yahoo.com
vinods0413@aol.com M899: Gujarati parents invites proposals M802: Gujarati parents invite proposals for for handsome, fair, accomplished, AM253: Jain parents invite proposals for handsome, talented, family loving, US born vegetarian, US born son, June 76, BS, JD handsome, outgoing, accomplished, US son, Feb 75, 5'5", 145 lb, MD (34 year (Law), started clerkship in CA, from born son, March 74, 6'2", BS (IE), MBA, NeuroSurgery Resident), from cultured, cultured, educated, vegetarian girls. Call: well employed with multinational co., from educated girls. Call: 215/699-2317. 330/773-4741 Email: aishah@babcock.com pretty, cultured, educated girls. Call: 810/
750-0999. Email: deelipkumar@aol.com M813: Gujarati parents invite proposals for M907: Gujarati parents invite responses for very handsome, fair, accomplished, very handsome, dynamic, successful, smart, AM295: Gujarati parents invite proposals vegetarian, US born son, Jan 75,5'7", 155 vegetarian son, born, Aug 77, 5'10", 160 for very very handsome, athletic, financially Ib, MS (EE), very well positioned with lb, Physical Therapist, very well positioned successful, vegetarian son, born Oct 75, reputed co., from cultured, educated, pretty in reputed Hospital, from pretty, cultured, 5'11", 160 lb, BBA, Financial Analyst, well girls. Call: 281/955-8224.Email: educated girls. Call: 9171756-9037. employed, from pretty, cultured, educated paras_shah@email.com
girls. Call: 718/482-8779. M912: Gujarati parents invite proposals M864: Gujarati parents invite proposals for with biodata/photo from vegetarian, AM338: We are interested in having our very handsome, fair, brilliant, vegetarian, educated, cultured, pretty girls, for good- son get to know open minded and outgoing vivacious, US born son, Oct 76,5'11", BS looking son, born Dec 72, 5'10", 155 lb, girls. He is handsome, vegetarian, well (civil engg), well employed as Quality BS (business/ finance), studying MBA. Call: employed Software Engineer, US born Nov Engineer, from cultured, educated, pretty 917-647-3575.indian 1972@hotmail.com 73, 5'7". 130 lb, Please contact us at: - girls. Call: 334/283-5340.Email:
mkshah@enteract.com jaygosalia@hotmail.com
M916: Alliance invited for dynamic,
talented, vegetarian, Gujarati boy, born Jan AM347: Alliance invited for handsome, M902: Gujarati parents seek responses for 75, 5'11", 160 lb, MD, doing 3rd year talented, vegetarian, India raised, Gujarati handsome, bright, vegetarian, US born son, residency in Internal Medicine at NY based boy, born Feb 77,5'8", 143 lb, BS (comp Oct 75, 5'11", BA, well employed, from hospital, from educated, vegetarian, sc), well employed as Software Design cultured, educated girls. Call: 408/245- Gujaratigirls.
Email: Engineer, from cultured, educated girls, 7883. Email: vinu42@aol.com usmd2002@yahoo.com
972/424-6667. vrvora@usanetmail.com
Jain Education Interational
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