KOJAIN has collected more than $430,000 for Kutch earth- The international community celebrated the 2600h birth anquake. So far they have disbursed the fund in Kutch as follows: niversary of Lord Mahavir on 2 November, 2001, at the Church
Center for the United Nations in New York. The celebration was KVO Seva Samaj (Housing)
sponsored and organized by International Mahavir Jain Mission Veerayatan (near 72 Jinalaya) School Project $50,000
(IMJM) and The Temple of Understanding, both of which are Bidada Sarvodaya Trust (KOJAIN families) $50,000 NGO members of United Nations. Bidada Sarvodaya Trust (Physiotherapy Dept.) $50,000
More than one hundred and twenty-five persons, drawn mostly Bhojay Sarvodaya Trust (Mota Ratadia School) $35,000 from the United Nations NGO community and from Inter-faith Yusuf Meherally Foundation
$30,000 community attended the event. Ramania school
Dr. Narendra Parson, Vice-Chairman of IMJM, said that it Ratadia Ganeshwala Buniyadi School
was significant that IMJM and The Temple of Understanding were Abhiyan: Sushma Ayangar
$20,000 jointly sponsoring the celebration. 'This accords with the concept Bhujpur Hospital (thru' VRTI)
of Anekantvad, as taught by Lord Mahavir', said Parson. Kutch Development Fund (KVC Krushi Vigyan) $12,000
The celebration started with a rendition of spiritual music Kutch Ekam (KDO)
with Bina Kalavant on Sitar and Rahman Khan on tabla. This set Lion Charitable Trust, Bhuj (rehabilitation) $11,000
the mood for the afternoon. Shri KVO Jain Mahajan, Bhuj (Housing)
Inter-faith prayers were recited by representatives of many KDO Shikshan Prasarak Samiti
faiths. Dr. Nawang Rabgyal, the representative of His Holiness JAINA Transportation of Rehab Equipments $2,000
the Dalai Lama in North and South America recited a Buddhist
prayer. He was followed by Sister Joan Kirby who recited a ChrisKOJAIN members elected the following office bearers for
tian prayer. Professor Ephraim Isaacs, who was to recite Jewish
prayers was unable to attend because of other commitments. He 2002-2004, along with 11 regional directors. More information
did, however, send in his good wishes for the event. Muslim, can be obtained from the KOJAIN website: www.kojain.com
Hindu, Jain and Sikh prayers were also recited. Pundit Maujiram, President: Kalyanji Mota (714) 956-0405
of IMJM, could not attend the event but sent his blessings and Vice-president: Navin Dedhia (408) 629-1723
prayers for the event. Richard Rosenkranz of the Inter-faith Call Secretary:
(562) 947-7018
for Religious Freedom and Human Rights flew out of Florida to Hema Savla (508) 856-9630
attend the event and to recite a prayer by Mahatma Gandhi. Congratulations: The Association of Indian Physicians of John Miller, Co-Chairman of the Temple of Understanding Northern Ohio (APINO) honored Dr. Chandravadan Haria as spoke on Ahimsa, Love, Compassion. He inspired the gathering Distinguished Physician of the Year Award for 2001. Dr. Haria with an account of his own spiritual experience and understandand his family have lived in the Cleveland area since 1973 and ing of Ahimsa, which is love and compassion. have been actively involved in the social, political and cultural Shantichandra Shah, President of IMJM spoke on the subarena through many local and national organizations.
ject, Conflict Resolution as taught by Lord Mahavir. One of KOJAIN members, Nitin Shah has become the first Dr. Narendra Parson spoke about Message of Mahavir. He Asian member of the Georgia Governor's Round Table. Only 100 emphasized the practice of the teachings and stressed meditation. CEO's are included. Among these are CEO's of Coca Cola, Delta, Lord Mahavir meditated for twelve and a half years and he preGeorgia Pacific etc.
scribed dissolve yourselves and meditation as the path to libera
tion. Neeta Karani and Roma Patel, both students of Alka Sama, Jayesh Shah 1963-2001: Jayesh S. Shah of Edgewater,
performed a dance 'Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram'. NJ, lost his precious life at the young age of 38 in the World Trade
This was followed by chanting by disciples of Acharya Sushil Center disaster of Sept. 11th. His family and friends have estab
Kumarji, Shanti Jain Smith, Kathy Kellogg, Sue Graves and Rick lished the “Jayesh Shah Memorial Education Fund", please send
Pezzullo. Pezzullo explained the effect of sound and mantras beyour tax deductible contribution to the fund and make your check
fore the group recited the mantras. payable to KOJAIN (and, please mention - For Jayesh Shah M/E Fund) and mail it to Mangal Shah, 16 Donna Drive, Unit 36,
Sister Joan Kirby of the Temple of Understanding proposed a Norwalk, CT 06854, USA
vote of thanks to conclude the celebrations. 24/JAIN DIGEST SPRING 2002 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only