FALL 2001 VOL.18 NO. 3 CIRCULATION: 7500
In this issue
Meet the past presidents and
the Executive Committee....3.
Headquarter News.........
Committee News...6
Spirtiual Pursuits of Mahavir
and his misssion..
Mahavir's Gandhar's and Jain
Daslaxna Parva.............
Affiliate News......
Regional News......
11th Convention Report....17
Changing view on Jainism..24 Life Members Update........25 JAINA Current Financial
Federation of JAINA
P. O. Box 700
Getzville, NY 14068-0700
Book Review....
JAINA Book Store....
MIS Registration Form......28.
Moving? Receiving duplicate copies? Send your address corrections to:
Jain Education International 2010_02
Young Minds....
Young Jian Professionals....36
Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to serve as President of JAINA. I consider it to be a great honor, and I will do my best to further the JAINA cause. First, I would like to congratulate all of the past presidents for making JAINA a truly world-renowned organization. They have done a great job in promoting JAINA, such that it is now recognized by world-leading organizations such as the United Nations, World Religion Council, and the US and Indian governments.
Dear Fellow Jains,
I would like to share with you some ideas I have for JAINA for the upcoming years. In general, I wish to further JAINA in the following areas:
⚫ Jain Knowledge Sharing / pathshala, universities
Participation in all geographic, demographic areas (even in smaller Jain communities) Representation of all Jain sects
Providing quality speakers to many centers.
Jai Jinendra!
With each issue of the Jain Digest, I would like to elaborate on one of these goals, and report progress on programs and activities that we have already initiated. For this issue, I would like to focus on specific goals we have towards Jain Knowledge Sharing.
I want to take up Jain knowledge sharing in this issue.
We are at the final stage of pathshala course work. We have currently levels 1 through 4 available. With some modifications in the level 1&2 books we will have very appropriate books for young minds. Additionally, the pathshala teachers' conference at least once a year will create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and improvement across North America. We seek to create Jainism Chairs at as many Universities as possible. Thus we will spread the knowledge to Jains and Non-Jains. Advance study programs will be encouraged.
The JAINA Library is being automated at Jain Society of Southern California at Los Angeles. The books will available through your Jain Centers.
We have begun exploring and organizing regular Jain Scholars' Lectures from all over the world. We plan to do that by use of Internet and commercial TV broadcast.
Horrific events of September 11 in NY, Washington DC and Pennsylvania resulting in loss of thousands of lives is not just an American national tragedy, it is a black day for all of humanity. We mourn for those lost and send our condolences to those affected by these events. We pray for the souls that were lost and empathize with all who have suffered from this immense tragedy as we recognize that all lives are interdependent.
JAINA has started the "World Trade Center Victim's relief fund" and stands ready to help in anyway it can. Please contribute generously to the fund.
Finally, I encourage all fellow Jains to provide feedback and constructive criticism regarding JAINA activities and future plans. Furthermore, if anyone has creative ideas or suggestions that allow us to fulfill specific goals, please write to us. We believe, communication is the key to uniting all Jains in North America, and, in addition to leading, we would like to listen and learn from all fellow Jains. Please send by e-mail to me at dmdmrch@core.com.
Yours truly
Bipin D. Parikh, JAINA President
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