SIDDHACHALAM AWARD Shanti Jain Smith will be the first recipient of the fords an opportunity to have portrait of your loved ones disSIDDHCAHALAM AWARD. The choice was so obvious that played in the picture gallery. The donation for one portrait is $ the decision of the Board of Trustees of Siddhachalam was quick 1,101.00. All donations are tax deductible. Please mail donation and unanimous. The presentation of the award shall be made cheques to Siddhachalam 65 Mud Pond Road, Blairstown, NI during Siddhachalam's Kshamapana and Ahimsa Day celebra- 07825. tion on Sunday, October 1, 2000, at Siddhachalam.
Siddhachalam takes this opportunity to thank JAINA for the Shanti Jain Smith met Acharya Sushil Muni on July 30, 1977. hospitality it has extended on the pages of its publication. She joined the Ashram after six months and has since then has dedicated her life to Guruji's work and mission. She was always
IAAMJV OFFERS LOAN SCHOLARSHIPS with Guruji, in all seasons and under all situations, helping Guruji
TO 42 JAIN STUDENTS in his life work of taking the message and teachings of Lord Mahavir to all the corners of the world.
During the year 2000, International Alumni Association of
Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya (IAAMJV) has given out 5 Loan The news of the award were warmly received at Siddhachalam
scholarships to High School Senior Jain students residing the by all. In the initial years at Yogeville, and at siddhachalam, the
U.S.A.and a total of 37 to the graduate Jain students arriving core of the committed devotees who dedicated their lives to pur
from India for higher studies. Total loan amount involved was sue the Jain path to liberation and became renunciates was
$94,000. These scholarships are based upon merit and need and comprised of main stream Americans. They were the real pio
available to all Jain students irrespective of sect they belong to. neers and their contribution to Siddhachalam has been unique and exemplary. The award to Shanti Jain Smith is also a recogni
The primary mission of IAAMJV is to promote the cause of tion of all of these Ashram devotees of Guruji.
Professional Education in the Jain Community and it has sup
ported over 85 students since its inception and extended educaACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM
tional loans worth $175,000. Some of the past recipients have CONCEPT OF DIVINITY IN JAINISM
already started returning the loans allowing the association to The first symposium organised by the Acharya Sushil recycle the funds to help other bright and needy students. If you Kumarji Research Institute shall be held at Siddhachalam on Sep- are interested in supporting this very important cause, please tember 29 and September 30 of 2000. The Symposium shall be contact Anop R. Vora, President (716) 473-9290 or Mr. Rasik conducted by Professor Wagle and Dr. Andhare.
M. Shah (847) 891-5674 or Dr. Dinesh M. Shah (323) 258Professor Narendra Wagle, of University of Toronto will chair 4010 the symposium. Dr. Andhare has had an illustrious career in the world of arts. He held the position of Curator at the Prince of
JAIN VISHWA BHARATI CENTERS ESTABLISHED IN Wales Museum in Bombay for many years and has also held
Jain Vishwa Bharti (VB), established by Gurudev Shri Tulsi and During this year Siddhachalam has organised three shibirs. The
Acharya Mahapragya in Ladnun, Rajasthan, India in 1970, inaufirst one was conducted by Amrendra Muniji. This was followed
gurated a new center in Orlando, Florida on May 6, 2000. JVB by a four day shibir conducted by Acharya Shree Chandnaji,
has been operating in Orlando for the past five years. The new Shoobhamji and Shilapiji. The last shibir which was concluded
center is directed by Samani Madhur Prajna and Samani Jayant on August 13, 2000 was conducted by Muni Shree Jinchandraji
Prajna and provides spiritual guidance all year round. Various Maharaj. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our spiritual men
spiritual uplifting activities at the center include Swadhyay (every tors, Acharyaji, Maha Satijis and Amrendra Muniji and
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month), yoga and meditation classes, Jinchandraji Maharaj for conducting the shibirs.
Pathsala for young Jains (twice a month), and celebration of Jain DINING HALL AND KITCHEN CONSTRUCTION
festivals. The center is well equipped with library books and au
fes The construction work is in progress and the building will dio/video cassettes on Jainism, Preksha Meditation and Yoga, be closed in after the roof trusses are in place within the next two Jain Scriptures and other topics in Prakrit, Hindi, English and to three weeks. That will leave inside details and finishing work, Gujarati. Such items can be purchased through the center's bookwhich itself is very extensive. The projected completion date is store. An annual camp directed by Samani Madhur Prajna and end of December this year.
Samani Jayant Prajna is scheduled in Orlando from January 12The slogan for the Building Fund is: Brick by Brick, we shall 14, 2001 and anyone interested in participating is invited to build the Dining Hall. The donation amount for one brick is $ contact Jain Vishwa Bharati, Orlando. 21.00 and a lot of bricks are still needed. The Dining Hall af
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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