In Utradhayayan Sutra, the first chapter is called Vinay meanCHARITRANI MOXMARGAH
ing respect to the teacher as a basic requirement for a disciple. Shriamd describes the importance of reverence and respect in stanza
20 in a very beautiful way. Another important Mantra of Lord When Shrimad was in Anand (near Baroda), he asked one of Mahov
Mahavir is cited in the Utradhyayan Sutra as follows: his disciples, Where are these people going today. The disciple said they are all going to the temple to bow to a monk who com
UPNANEN MUNI HOI pleted one month of fasting. Shrimad replied, A People have forgotten the true path of Lord Mahavir and are following a blind We find heart moving definition of a true master in stanza 34 faith. He then composed his famous poem, Mulmarg, on the same of Atmasiddhi: Sainthood is there where there is true self-knowlday which defines the meaning of the above Sutra in a great detail. edge.. (34)
Most poetic and lucid creation of Shrimad is Apurva Avsar In Atmasiddhi, we find ocean of depth if we begin to search. which describes 14 stages of self purification. We find a complete The six steps of Soul are summarized in this epic : Soul exits, it is condensation of Gomatsar scripture in this work of Shrimad. In eternal, it is a doer, it accepts bondage, receives the fruit, it can be fact Mahatma Gandhi who met Shrimad, was so impressed by free (Stanza 43). In Samaritarka, Acharya Siddhasen states that a this poem that it became regular prayer for bapuji. Gandhiji wrote genuine faith in these six steps of soul leads one to self realization. in his biography about Shrimad : I have learned the lessons of
Shriamd states the entire process of self realization by providing Ahimsa from Shrimad in great detail. Shriamd was like a Jin Vitrag,
in Vitrag, user friendly dialogue between the student and the teacher in this
er friendly dialogue betwee completely free of any worldly attachment; such Vitragata is only attained after a Yogi has gone through many births. Gandhiji con
The essence of the entire Jain philosophy and the condensasidered Shriamd as his spiritual Master.
tion of 12 Agam Sutras are truly reflected in three most important In letter number 680 Shrimad states: I have attained the high-
ned the high-
stanzas (115, 116, 117) of Shrimad Rajchandra's Armsiddhishastra. est state of pure consciousness same as Lord Mahavir and Lord
In stanza 115, Shriamd states: Rama in this Pancham Kal. After reaching to the highest state of
Let go the body - infatuation And you will not have bondage self realization and eternal bliss Shriamd composed his immortal
new: epic, Atmasiddhishastra, which means self realization. The seventh Purva of the 12th Agam text is called Atampravad. It is said
You will not have deed - fruitation, This is religions secret that Srhrimad has condensed not only this Purva but an essence of true. all the 12 Agams in this epic which can be used as an easy to Acharya Kundkund's third and the fourth chapters of Samaysar understand, user friendly Agam in the present time. Ii is written explain the essence of the above stanza in greater detail. We also in Gujarati, and was composed exactly 100 years ago by Shrimad find the reflection of second chapter of Gita in the above stanza. in less than 90 minutes. The 142 stanzas of the Atmasddhishastra One can find a great deal of summary of the entire scripture provide a keen disciple a step wise process and methodology to Samadhisatak by Acharya Pujayapad in the above stanza also. evaluate his own qualification to be a true disciple, and how to In fact, in letters 211, 719, 866, 609, 901 and 755, Shrimad recognize a true teacher. In fact, here again we find numerous re- writes the greatness and purpose of all the Agam scriptures: The flections of Agam Sutras in Shrimad's epic.
entire Dwadshangi (12 Agam Sutras) are composed by Lord Jina In the first three verses of this great epic, Shriamd clearly states
for only one reason, which is to melt the ego and attain self realthat ignorance about one's real self is the root cause of the cycle of ization by surrendering to a true teacher. In his most popular stanza birth and death and it can be easily broken and ended if one sur- of Atmasiddhi (117), Shrimad describes the enlightened state of renders to a true Master. He then states that in this modern time, the pure soul and how to attain it through constant meditation: people have forgotten the real and the original path to attain self Enlightened, pure, full consciousness, self brilliant, an ocean realization which I will compose in this. Shriamd shows enormous of happiness you are; compassion when he witnessed the majority of Jain followers en- What more to say, meditate on these Mantras and you shall gaged in either ritualistic worship or in abstract knowledge nei- realize this (117). ther of which can lead to self realization. If studied carefully, one when we see the depth of the spiritual knowledge in the above finds answers to all the spiritual questions a disciple may have in verse, we can state that in the last chapter of Samaysar. Acharva his life time in this great work of Shrimad.
Kundkund has merely expanded this verse to fully understand the metaphysics of the pure consciousness. Similarly, the entire text
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
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