Jiv Daya Committee supports a large (4,000 children) school in Jain Digest, our quarterly magazine is a lifeline of the Jain Maharashtra and have "a sponsor a child" program.Over 200 chil- community living in North America It reaches every Jain in dren are sponsored by U. S. residents. Listed are some of the North America free since 1985. It provides the news about acacitivities of Jiv Daya Committee:
tivities of all 57 Jain Centers of North America and their mem1) AHIMSA - with only 4 active volunteers, have networked bers. It educates us in the field of religion by publishing religious with hundreds of animal right groups to educate general public articles. It provides us the news about the activities of our youth. on the plight of animals in the USA. We are networking with It also brings together Jain Youth of marriage age by publishing a many groups to stop the killing of healthy innocent animals at matrimonial column. It publishes news about Jains living in other animal controls and shelters. We encourage and educate the parts of the world. public to spray and neuter their pets so unwanted animals will The most important task of Jain Digest is to provide idennot be killed.
tity to our youth who are born and brought up in North America. 2) In the name of Jiv Daya and Ahimsa, we have dedicated the
Each issue of Jain Digest is a result of love for scores of Dharma Donkey Sanctuary at a school in Maharashtra and this
volunteers, The Editor in Chief is assisted by members of the sanctuary will be used to not only care for sick and abused and
Editorial Board, regional editors, associate editors, regular and aged donkeys but to educate 30 surrounding villagers on care
guest columnists all living in different parts of continent. They all and kindess to animals. $1800 was raised from Jains last year and that money was used to drill the water wells and create natu
work by fax, phones and E-mail to put together a snapshot of our ral fencing for this sanctuary. So far the 145 acres of land, the
community in timely fashion producing the most visible evidence spray and neuter clinic, sterilization clinic for people, health clinic,
of unity among Jains of North America. computer center etc. have been funded by us personally and 2 Without placing monetary value on time and efforts of the computers donated by the Indian Lions Club of Dallas. volunteers, it costs about $40,000 per year to publish four issues 3) At least 12 Jain families are sponsoring needy children annu- of Jain Digest and send to every family in North America and ally.
Jain Sanghs abroad free of charge. 4) We invite the local Jain Temple youth groups to visit our 30 The JAINA has created an endowment fund for this puracre sanctuary and learn more about the animals who live here pose. So far $60,000 has been collected in this fund. More than with us and educated them about the needs of all animals and 500 Jain families have contributed $101 (tax deductible) by behow they can help. We try to involve them to do work with their coming a life member of Jain Digest. The principal of endowlocal humane societies.
ment fund is never used to support Jain Digest, only the interest 5) Our presence at many Jain temple meetings makes people income is taken out every year to support Jain Digest. At the ware of the needs of animals.
moment it amounts to about $4000 per year. Advertisements 6) By working with PFA of India and represent them in the USA bring about another $6000 per year leaving $30,000 deficit per we are starting a program where any Jain family can donate money year. via Jiv Daya committee and earmark it for anywhere in India -
JAINA is committed to continue quarterly publication of their native village or city. We can guarantee that the money will
Jain Digest with the help from generous donors. It is essential be delivered via PFA and us to someone who willl use it to help
for all of us to become life members of Jain Digest, by contributanimals. They will hear directly from that person and be assured
ing tax deductible donations of $101. It will assure all of us and that every rupee of their money is being used properly.
our future generations to continue to receive Jain Digest. 7) Our other accomplishment is education. We have been preaching to Jain groups in both India and U.S. that giving money to
List of all life members was published in fall 1999 issue and panjrapoles in India is a total waste of money. Instead we ask updated in last issues. Please check last two issues of Jain Digest them to give money to Jiv Daya so the money is used for the to verify your name. Please fill out the Jain Digest Membership animals. The vast majority of panjrapoles do not provide proper
Form and mail it along with $101 check to Keerti Shah, at 842, veternary care for the animals. They do not sterilize and so more
Lakeside Drive, Bartlett, Illinois 60103-4718, Tel. 630-837-8716. animals are born into miserable coniditons in the panjrapoles. Dr. Mahendra K. Pandya,
Dr. Bipin Parikh President, JAINA
1st Vice President,JAINA Ratibhai and Bonny Shah Jiv Daya Committee
Keerti Shah, Chairman,
Dr. Dhiraj Shah, Member
Jain Digest Membership Committee Jain Digest Committee 12/ JAIN DIGEST. SPRING 2000 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only