appearance of the New Jain Bhavan. The Shah, JCNC President at 408/729-7916 Chandrakant Parekh, Regional Editor building plans are in the process of being or JBShah@electroglas.com
submitted to the City of Buena Park. Los Angeles, CA
Schedule of various activities and events Sacramento, CA
is available at www.jainbhavan.com website. Jain Center of Southern Califor- For further information, please contact Jain Center of Greater Sacramento nia celebrated the Paryushan Mahaparva Kantibhai Shah, JCSC President at celebrated the Paryushan Mahaparva under under the direction of Pandit Dhirajlal kshah@apc.net or 949/831-8687. the direction of Saman Sthitpragya and Mehta and the Das Lakshna celebrations
Ashwinipragya. Information about reguwere led by Tarlaben Doshi, editor of Jain San Francisco, CA
lar activities and special events can be obPrakash. A record number of tapasvis in
tained by contacting Manoj Desai, JCGS cluded 31 upvas (Surendra Jain), 30 upvas Jain Center of Northern California cel President at m.desai@pbnec.com or 916/ (Sushilaben Shah and Yogesh Shah), 21 ebrated the Paryushan and Das Lakshna
791-4111. upvas (Ashok Savla), 11 and 12 upvas (6 Mahäparva programs under the guidance people), and 8 and 9 upvas (31 adults and of Samaniji Mangal Prajna and Samaniji 2 children) and numerous others who ob- Sharda Pragya with great success. Enthusiserved upvas and ekashana. All the tapasvis astic participation and large attendance at Nearly 100 members of the Jain were presented with plaques at the Kartaki various programs were a testament to the Society of San Diego participated in a weekPoonam celebrations on 11/21. Gurudev motivating presence of Samaniji's and their end Jain camp organized at Mt. Laguna over Chitrabhanu visited the center (08/29-08/ highly spiritual sermons. On September a weekend. The activities included - games, 30) and Arunbhai and Mayuriben Zaveri 19, 1999, JCNC participated in Yuga yoga, accupresure exercises, and a talent presented a series of lectures on Preksha Pradhan Pad-abhishekh Samaroh and pre- show and ras garba. Paryushan Mahaparva Dhyan (08/29-09/03). Mr. Hermann sented a plaque bearing a Jain Bhawan sil- was celebrated for the first time in the presKuhn, President of Jain Center of Germany, ver coin to Acharaya Shri Maha Prajnaji toence of Shramaniji Madhupragnaji and was the chief guest at the Ahimsa Day cel- recognize the unique honor being bestowed Akshaypragnaji. Shramanijis presented an ebrations on October 3. Mahavir Nirvan upon him as Yuga Pradhan.
inspiring nine days discourse on the life of Kalyanak and Diwali were celebrated on
Nearly 1600 tapascharya have already
Mahavir and other topics related to Jain November 7. Nearly 150 people partici
been completed towards the goal of accom- practices and Preksha Dhyan. Parul Kothari pated in a Samuh Chopda Pujan organized
plishing Akhand Tap Ärädhana of 2501 completed an athai and was joined by sevat the center for the first time.
Tapascharyä prior to the inauguration of eral adults and children doing fasting, Over 250 children are enrolled in the the Jain Bhawan. The construction of the ekasana and aymbil. Arun and Mayuri new session of the Pathshala. A winter camp Jain Bhawan is progressing at a flying pace, Zaveri presented a series of lectures on for the Pathshala students is scheduled for both in the USA as well as in India. A record Preksha Dhyan. Tarlaben Doshi gave 12/18-12/21. Los Angeles has been selected sum of over $750,000 for the construc- weeklong lectures on Jain practices and to host the Young Jains of America 2000 tion of Jain Bhawan was pledged on a single principles. A one-day shibir led by Convention from June 30 - July 3, 2000. day at the Sapna darshan ceremony pro- Girishbhai Shah covered the topic of Nav Nearly 800 young adults are expected to gram on September 11, 1999. A total of Tatva. More than 50 members of the Los attend this popular event. Registration in- $3,750,000 have been received in pledges Angeles Sangh visited San Diego on Octoformation will be available at www.yja.org and additional pledges of $2,750,000 are ber 9. The visiting Mahila Mandal perwebsite. being solicited to complete the project. Bay
formed the Snatra Puja under the leaderJain Bhavan of the New Millennium, a Area Jain Americans (BAJA) members are
ship of Vasantben. The Pathshala children colorful brochure outlining the status and actively participating in the Jain Bhawan were awarded a certificate on completion progress of the Jain Bhavan expansion and Project and are involved with the construc
of Level I JAINA curriculum. Nipul Shah renovation plans, was distributed during the tion, fundraising and the coordination recognized the children who assisted him Paryushan celebrations. An impressive committees. Pratishtha Mahotsava is in making the mandir displayed at the three-dimensional, scaled model of the pro- planned for July-August 2000.
JAINA Convention in Philadelphia. The posed project, unveiled during the Paryshan Details of various activities and events
event concluded with a Swamivatsalya. Jain program, was of great help for the mem- are available at www.jcnc.org website. For
Society of San Diego participated in a bers to comprehend the concept, size and information, please contact Jitendrabhai
Diwali Mela and the profits from a food
6/ JAIN DIGEST WINTER 1999 Jain Education Intemational 2010_02
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