North America is very mobile society. Jai Jinendra!
Govt of India Census People move hundreds or thousands of I have been Editor for the past two
miles for studies, profession etc. During the years. During this period, my first priority There is a rumour afloat in Jain Samaj
initial period of move, it is nice to have was to make sure that the publication came that the Government has decided to include
someone to talk to. Before coming to new out on time. Thanks to invaluble help from Jains as Hindus in the next census. The
place, if a person knows that he/she has all the regional editors, associate editors, the Jain Digest issue (Vol 15, No. 3) contains a
someone to guide/help then it considerably Publishing Editor and JAINA Executive di
reduces the stress associated with such move. statement of President Dhirajbhai urging rector, the JAIN Digest team was consisJains to write to the Census Commissioner
Generally, students do not have long tently able to achieve this objective.
term address during their stay at campus. on the subject. The current issue presented a new chal
To keep them informed by mail about vari
The information is wrong and baseless. lenge as I had to take on a dual role of
ous religious activities may be difficult. To Jainism' has been one of the seven religions editor in chief and publishing editor. This
reduce this possibility these students may listed in Column 8 of the Census Form was a learning experience for me, and (I
be kept in touch with a designated family. since the beginning of 20th Century and The designated family will keep the students hope) a successful one. In this issue we are
there is no intention or plan to change this informed about various activities of the starting a new column on book review. We practice.
Center and help them in arranging rides to will try and publish reviews on books pertaining to Jainism.
I had inquired earlier and have recon- and from the location of the activities. This I feel strongly that we need to look at
firmed from the Commissioner that we will keep their continued exposure to Jain
need have no fears on this account. This activities and to Jain community as whole. the contents of the magazine and to accom
may kindly be relayed to number plish this task I need your input. Would
This will increse in communication among you like JAIN Digest to infom you about organisations and executive committee the youths of various Centers and develop
a sense of brotherhood among them. activities at all the Jain Centres in North
members of “JAINA'. America, articles discussing Jain religion,
A youth professional may have differRamesh Chandra
ent problems. Safe neighborhood, good articles interpreting Jain scriptures or any
Managing Editor
school district, closeness to the transportaother suggestion you may have. Please feel
The Times of India Group
tion, affordable housing etc. Decisions are free to send your suggestion to me at
New Delhi, India
to be made before they pack-up and move. latachampsee@usa.net. We need to look at
During this time, some feed back from a taking Jain Digest on worldwideweb to cut
person familiar with the region will be of down on cost as well as make it
great help. Also this initial contact may help enviornmentally friendly. I like to wish all
in being introduced to various members of of you a very healthy, happy and peaceful
Jain community. new millinium.
In New York City area I have formed a
group of families who are willing to help Lata Champsee
new comers. Any Jain needing assistance in or moving to New York City, Nassau or Suffolk can take advantage of this program by contacting: Chandrakant and Bhanumati Shah 718-343-1603 or Ashok and Yamuna
Jain 718-343-4677 Cover Captions:
This activity does not call for financial Courtesty JAINA Calendar 2000
sacrifice. All that is required is some time 1.Taranga Hills
and willingness to help fellow Jain. If mem2.Kundalpur
bers in other Centers are interested then a 3.Mount Abu
nationwide net work can be formed. If in4. Ranakpur Temple
terested please contact at above numbers. 5. Temple of Melsittamur
Chandrakant Shah, N.Y.
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
For Private & Personal Use Only