JAINA initiated this annual event in Oc- lectures. The celebrations were concluded
Acharya Sushil Kumarji's birthday at the tober 1992 to promote non-violence prin- with Kalash and Jal Yatra ceremony on Sat
ny on Sat Jain Centre in Toronto. Muniji Amrendra ciple in North America. It is celebrated urday, Sept.25
Maharaj presided over the celebration and on the first Sunday in October to coincide
Manek Muniji also spoke on the occasion.
The members of Jain Sangh of Toronto with Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. amongst other South Asians in Ontario
The annual Child Haven dinner, preOn November 6, the center celebrated opened up their hearts and pocket book to
dominantly supported by members of
a Mahavir Nirvan Day. The program in- establish the Christopher Ondaatje South
Toronto Jain Society, and in aid of desticluded bhavna, aarti, deevo, rangoli com- Asian Gallery at Royal Ontario Museum
cute children in India and Nepal, was held
tute petition, sangeet sandhya by Khelaiya in the Fall 2000. This permanent South on
on 2nd October. The evening's program Group from India, raas/garba and dinner. Asian gallery at ROM will acquire artifacts raised just over 10,000 after expenses. The General Body elected new executive in the realm of South Asian fine and deco- This year's invited speaker for Roop Lal committee for year 2000:
rative arts, host exhibitions, facilitate lec- Jain annual lacture in Jain studies was Ms Geeta Pancholy, President
tures, encourage research projects and W.J.Johnson, author of Harmless Souls. He Mr. Bipin Shah, Sr. Vice-President provideongoing South Asian programming presented his paper entitled "Knowledge Ms. Soha Shah, Secretary, Mrs. Sumi The annual Jain Society picnic was or
and Practice in Jain Religious Tradition" and Chordia, Treasurer, Mrs. Ila Punatar, V.P. ganized on August 22ed and 500 members
shared his distinctive knowledge and perMembership, Mr. Vijay Doshi, V.P. Facil participated in this most enjoyable event.
spective with a substantial audience at the ity, Ms. Jigna Shah, V.P. Youth, Mrs. Pushpa The first Jain Society picnic 25 years ago
University of Toronto. Shah, V.P. Education, Mrs. Vilas Shah, V.P. was held on Centre Island and to com
Mr. Keshav Chandaria, a senior Hospitality, Mr. Chandu Shah & Dr. memorate that fist event, the organizers trustee of our Society and well respected Surendra Singhvi JAINA Director
traced the steps back to the same island. industrialist and philanthropist was recogThe centre has published English The first 3 hours were spent on the boat nized by the Government of Ontario for Pratikraman booklet for youth. This 24 cruise on Lake Ontario and the members his lifelong services. The Lieutenant Govpage booklet can be ordered by calling Dr. were entertained with food, games, dandva ernor of Ontario, Hilary M. Weston inSinghvi at 937-885-7414
raas. Later people disembarked on Centre vested Mr. Chandaria with Order of island and treated to full dinner and more Ontario on October 25th at Queen's Park.
games and fun. All the participants had This is a great honour for all Jains and CANADA nothing but praise for the young organiz
Kesubhai deserves hearty congratulations Dr. Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor ers of the event.
from all of us. The 14th Annual International Mahavir Dr. Chandrakant P.Shah, a mem
Jain Mission of Canada Jain Arhum Yoga ber of Toronto Jain Community and ProToronto, Ontario
Retreat at Loretto Centre in Niagara Falls fessor, Department of Public Health Sci
was held in August and was once again a ences at the University of Toronto received The Jain Sangh of Toronto celebrated
great success. The main theme of this year's a special recognition from the Aboriginal the greatest of all events on Jain Calendar
retreat was History of Jainism. The partici- Communities at the University of Toronto the Paryushan Parva at the Jain Centre. We
pants had the pleasure of listening to Pro- on October 19th, 1999. They accorded their had three guests from India who helped in
fessor Padmanabh Jaini of University of highest honour in the form of "Eagle celebrating this year's Paryushan. The morn- California at Berkely spoke on wide range feather ing program included Snatra Pooja, recita-
of subiects includi
of subjects including history of Jainism. yrs has been active in provision of medical tion of Bhaktamar Stotra, Ratnakar Pachisi, Among other speakerswere Dr.J. SC
i, Among other speakerswere Dr.). services in Ontario to very remote and Arihant Vandanavali and musical Bhav
O'Connell, Dr. Vastupal Parikh, northern First Nations Communities and
O'Connell.Dr. Vastupal Parikh. nor Yatra of Jain Tirths in India. The Mr.KirtiShah, Mr. Michael Radford, Ms. Tina- urban Aboriginal people. Pratikraman were performed every morn- Marie Jones and Ms.Anne Valley. Thirty The Association of Women in ing and evening and for youths, it was in
two participants enioved the invigorating two participants enjoyed the invigorating Canada(AWIC) has published a beautiful
Ca English. We all experienced spiritual discussions and were able to take advantage calendar for 2000 entitled A Woman's upliftment, seek atonement and tried to of the location, by going for evening and Touch' with 12 paintings which include forgive and seek forgiveness.
early morning walks to the Niagara Falls. work of two Jain artists 'The Veiled Beauty The Das Lakshana Parva was cel-
On Sunday Tune 13th 1990 the by Jayshree Khimasia and 'Gitanjali ebrated with morning poojas and evening IMIMC organized the commemoration of M
JAIN DIGESTWINTER 1999/11 Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only