Young Jains of America
Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501 (c)(3) El #54-1280028
yja-exec@egroups.com http://www.yja.org/
live and Let Live परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम्
Chairs Shubhra Jain Naishadh Shah
Jai Jinendra!
Regional Coordinators
Mid Atlantic
Anita Shah (516) 873-7104 anitashaha)mail.com
Naishadh Shah
(732) 651-8734 naishadhshah@mail.com
YJA's Executive Board has a new face. The results of our recent elections leave us with quite a diverse group of leaders. Besides the obvious increase in number of Executive Board members; the distribution of ages and occupations reflect YJA's goal to meet the needs of all its members. The newly elected board consists of undergraduate and graduate students as well as young professionals. Full of enthusiasm, professionalism, leadership, creativity, and motivation, the group will be pivotal in continuing to successfully cater to youth nationally and internationally.
Midwest Reshuma Modi
(248) 851-3965 reshmamodi@mail.com
Monica Shah
(312) 587-1241 monicashah@mail.com
Currently, preparations are in progress for the YJA Midwest Convention to be held in Detroit, Michigan (November 25-28, 1999). The underlying theme for the programming is "East Meets West: Tradition Vs. Compromise of Jain Values". The registration deadline is September 30, 1999 and forms can be found inside this issue of Jain DIGEST or can be downloaded from our site at http://www.yja.org/.
Northeast Rajan Mehta (510) 704-5683 rajmehta@mail.com
Jay Doshi (713) 790-1259 jaydoshimail.com
Mudic: Shah
(405) 329-1465 shamuditamail.com
In addition, we are in the process of selecting a site for the next YJA Convention. To make sure that YJA 2000 is as educational and enjoyable as possible, we are soliciting assistance, suggestions and ideas from all of our members. Please feel free to express yourself to one of the Co-Chairs.
Southeast Shefali Parckh (504) 862-8000 x3945 shefaliparekh@mail.com
Horain Shah
(404) 206-4338 herrainshah@mail.com
As always we like to keep accurate contact information for all our members. If your contact information has changed, please send your updated information to our Director of Membership/Records: Shefali Parekh at shefaliparekh@mail.com.
If anyone has any comments, questions, or concerns for the new board, please let us know so we can better meet our goals.
West Samta Jain (714) 633-3609 Samtajaine mail.com
Milan Mehta
(408) 436-1522 milanmehta mail.com
Thank you!
Shubhra Jain and Naishadh Shah Co-chairs, Young Jains of America 1999-2000
General Coordinators
Vishal Ghiya
(215) 882-0787 vishalghiyamail.com
Subhra Jain (314) 345-2396
Nirav Shah (313) 396-5956 niravshah@mail.com
Pinkesh Shah
(248) 324-4442 pinkoshshahmail.com
loungJains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella south organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth
JAIN DIGEST FALL 1999/25 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal use only