JAINA Charitable Trust
The JAINA Charitable trust wishes to extend a warm welcome to the following new trustees: Satish Mehta, NY; Mehul Shah, NY; Chandra Krishna Mehta; V. Bhandari, NJ; Madhu Jain, CA; Narendra Patru, MA; and Khushal Sancheti.
Jiv Daya and Vegetarianism
Chairperson-Narendra Shah
Did you know that all cosmetics used at the YJA Convention were vegetarian? Now use them at your home too!
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This is a one time opportunity to advertise your business, or send a religious message and get a tax donation at the same time
which will be read by almost 10,000 Jain families all over the world.
Please complete the form below and send it to:
The Jain Center of Greater Boston
26 Humbolt Avenue Burlington, MA 01803
for more information please call:
Anil Shah at 617/272-3666, Vasant Gandhi at 617/324-0393 or Rakesh Kamdar at 617/662-6055.
Attention All JAINA Members
General Donations and Advertisements
are being accepted for the
4th Edition of the Jain Directory of North America
Payment enclosed:
Jain Education International
Vegetarian Cosmetics and Beauty Products
We believe in Ahimsa, we want to avoid cruelty to animals, but sometimes we don't know where to begin. But it was not the case at YJA Convention. In the workshop on Ahimsak Cosmetics, we disseminated all information necessary to buy cosmetics made without any animal ingredients or without testing them on animals. And then to spark a change in life-styles, we collected and distributed many free samples.
For example, Ahimsa Natural Care, owned by two young adults who are Jain and live in Canada, sent us 250 bottles of shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer. Six years ago they were fed up with the inability to find true Jain cosmetics, so they started a line themselves. It now includes bath and continued on page 20
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November 1996 www.jainelibrary.org