tinue to grow The costs include three nights does Jainism guide us through mto the next cen of accommodation at the Con- social and personal problems? (5) tury. Our main goal vention Center, transportation Why is it important for North is to provide a unique to and from the airport, all meals American Jain youths in particu
medium in which Jain and snacks, any supplies needed, lar to preserve Jain culture? (6) youths will be able to achieve a use of all recreational facilities, Where are Jain principles applied greater insight into our vast cul- and of course, a great educa- outside of Jainism, and what can ture and religion. We are organiz- tional learning experience!! we learn from these application? ing a program that will be geared
(7) How can we apply Jain ethical towards young adults, allowing
principles in our professional and us to discuss religious topics to
business dealings? (8) Are certain gether in groups. The theme for
careers "untouchable" for Jains, this convention is “Religion and YJA CONVENTION
or can we be more innovative in Culture: Learning for Tomor
our approachesto various careers? row." There will be several semi
(9) In what ways can Jains indinars that will address topics such
vidually and collectively serve as: Jainism's Influence on WestAt the First Biennial YJA Con
their local communities? (10) How ern Thought, Jain Art and Archivention, which will be held during
"practical" is Ahimsa in our tecture, Practical and Social AsJuly 1-4, 1994, a convention sou
lifestyle and in making our livelipects of Ahimsa, Jain Principles in venir guide will be published and
hood? Comment on the excuses Decision Making, Ethics/Morals; issued to all participants. In the
of convenience and social accepDo we need to compromise our convention souvenir guide, there
tance. (11) Must we adapt Jainism vales, and many more. Key-note will be a section on essays and
to modern society, or can we live speakers will include Acharya articles that will be written mainly
it in a more pure form and still Sushil Muniji, Gurudev
by Jain youths. The purpose of make
pose of "make it" in society? (12) In light Chitrabhanu, and Balbadra. They this section is to present a youth
of how other religious/cultural will be present to answer quesvoice on the many themes and
youth organizations function and tions and address the different issues that relate to our religion,
behave, what must YJA strive to concerns of the youth. Also, opculture, and society. Plans are
achieve and work to avoid? (13) tional trips to the Jain Temple in being made on having at least 9 to
What must be done to preserve Chicago will be arranged. Finally, 10 essays featured in the conven
Jainism for the future?(14) What this convention will provide a fotion souvenir guide. With this in
and how can Jains contribute to rum that will allow youths from all mind, we ask that youths from
the animal rights and ecological over the nation to meet and share around North America respond
movements? (15) Why Jainism? their ideas as a group. The Conand address in any form they deem
These questions are openvention is open to all youths ages appropriateto the following ques
ended, and the writers may re14-29. Registration forms are tions/topics. They are as follows:
spond as they wish. The only available by contacting your local (1) “Religion and Culture: Learn
criteria that have been set are as YJA youth contact. The cost of ing for Tomorrow"(the theme for
follows: (a) The author must be the Convention is as follows: the convention), (2) How must
between the ages of 14 and 29. $145-post-marked on or before we assert our unique identity and
inclusive. The most insightful and April 1, 1994 heritage as Jain youths in North
thought-out essays will be pub$160*-post-marked between America (as compared to other
lished. The deadline for the esApril 2 and May 1, 1994 (both religious youth organizations)? (3)
says is May 15, 1994. Please days inclusive) What resources and methodol
postmark them to Chirag $300*-post-marked after May 1, ogy can we use to learn about and 1994 practice Jainism? (4) In a society Oakbrook, Illinois 60521 or call
Sandesara at 2010 Midwest Club, *Subject to availability
of great directionlessness, how him at (708) 323-0000.
MARCH 1994
Jain Education International 2010_02
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