________________ Jain Digest (MITHYAATVA), non-restraint (AVIRATI), carelessness karma is presented below. (PRAMAAD), passions (KASHAAYA)and activities of body, Operation (UDAYA): The state of karma during speech and mind (YOGA) are responsible for karmic bond fruition (producing feelings of happiness and unhappiness) ing. These constitute abstract (BHAAV) karmas. It should be is called operation. At the end of the state of operation, the remarked that karmas influence our thoughts and feelings. karma particles are shed by the soul. They have little to do with the materials such as wealth and Premature Operation (UDEERANA): When certain means of comfort of an individual. group of karmas are made to become operative before their Good thoughts and feelings such as compassion, predetermined time, it is called premature operation. Just as brotherhood and non-attachment cause the influx of merito fruits can be ripened before time by careful processing, rious(PUNYA)karmas while thoughts and feelings ofanger, similarly, through proper thoughts and effort, the conse pride, ego, desire for name and fame, greedand deceit cause quences of karma particles can be endured prematurely. the influx of demeritorious (PAAP) karmas. We should bear Generally, when a given type of karma is operative, in mind that, in the ultimate analysis, all karmas are unde similar type of karma particles (which, at the time of bondsirable. ing, were established to be operative in the future) can be There are four aspects of karma which are associ made to become operative prematurely. ated with a worldly soul: Nature or type (PRAKRITI that is Augmentation (UDVARTANA or UTKARSHAN): knowledge-obscuring, perception-obscuring, feeling-pro The duration and intensity of fruition of karma particles are ducing, deluding, life-span determining, physique-deter determined by the intensity of passions at the time of bondmining, status-determining and obstructing), quantity of ing. Subsequently, the increase in duration and intensity karma particles (PRADESH), duration for which the karma that may occur because of thoughts and endeavor is called particles will remain associated with the soul (STHITI) and augmentation. intensity of fruition (ANUBHAAG). The nature and inten Diminution (APVARTANA or APKARSHAN): This sity of physical and mental activities (thoughts and feelings) is opposite of augmentation. The decrease in duration and of a living being determine (establish) the type and quantity intensity of karma particles that may occur because of of karma particles which become associated with the worldly thoughts and endeavor is called diminution. soul. The intensity of passions determines the duration of as Mutation (SANKRAMAN): The conversion of one sociation of the karmas and the severity (gravity) of fruition type of karma particles into another type of karma is called (consequences) of karmas. In general, a group of karma mutation of karma. particles remain quiescent (dormant) for a certain time Mutation takes place between the subtypes of a interval, then they become operative, and influence the given type of karma. Mutation does not occur between thoughts and feelings of the worldly being. Finally the karma particles of different types. There are certain excepkarma particles are shed by the soul. tions to the mutation of karma particles belonging to the Some questions covered by the Jain theory of karma same type. For example, no mutation occurs between the The Jain theory of karma is quite elaborate and so four subtypes of life-span-determining karma. Further, phisticated. It provides answers to the following important perception deluding karma can not be converted into conquestions among others: duct-deluding karma and vice versa. In view of the Jain theory of karma, is everything Subsidence (UPSHAMAN): The state of karma in predestined? Or: which operation or premature operation of karma does not a.Can the moment of fruition of karma be altered? If occur is called subsidence. In such a state, augmentation, yes, then what kind of thoughts and feelings are necessary diminution and mutation are possible. As soon as the durafor the purpose? tion of subsidence of a particular group of karma particles is b.Can one type of karma be converted into another over, those karma particles become operative and are shed kind? Candemeritorious karma be transformed into merito upon fruition. rious karma and vice versa? Prevention (NIDHATTI): This is the state of karma c.Can the severity of fruition of karma be reduced or particles in which premature operation and mutation are increased? not possible. However, augmentation and diminution do d.Can the fruition of a powerful karma be pre occur in the state of prevention. vented? If yes, how? Invariance (NIKAACHANA): This is the state of Transformations of karma karma particles in which premature operation, mutation, In PANCH SANGRAH, Acharya Chandarshi augmentation and diminution do not take place. In this Mahattar has provided answers to the above questions and state, the fruition of karma particles can not be modified. The has presented a detailed and elaborate account of the trans fruition of such karmas can not be altered. Its consequences formations of karma. Other Jain scriptures contain almost are the same as were established at the time of bonding. A identical concepts. Such details are beyond the scope of our few subtypes of karmas fall into this category without discussion. exception. A brief description of some transformations of (To be continued.) 24 Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org