Jain Digest
$100 Award For Local Vegetarian Activity
Dr. Gupta is currently undergoing trips, bowling and dance functions, The Jain Society of Toronto treatment at The Cleveland Clinic outside visits, and graduation cereserves free Jain meals every Satur
Foundation. Ideas Inc., a 501 (3)(c) monies, etc. It must be observed day. The meals are hosted by Gyan (tax deductible organization) is a
from all this, that the Jain teachers Chand Jain & Sulekh Jain.
trustee for managing any funds are a unique breed. Despite lack of received for Dr. Gupta's treatment.
interest and support from parents, If you can contribute to Dr.
they continue to work hard. Gupta's health care, please send
After this presentation, a your contribution to: Ideas Inc./
common curriculum was adapted, Suresh Gupta Health Care Fund,
and it was proposed that it should Account #067506-6at: Student Trust
incorporate new techniques, such Company, Main St., Alfred, NY
as videos and computers; exams and 14802.
award systems should be developed The Vegetarian Resource
JAINA education and administered; material should Group will make a $100 award at its
include Jain rituals, environmentalconference annual summer conference to a lo
ism, human rights, and applications cal group which sponsored the most
New York City hosted a 2 in day to day life; maintain original innovative vegetarian project. Your day meeting of the Jaina Education Sanskrit/Prakrit/Hindi key words, submission will be judged on origi- Committee, under the chairmanship and to develop a Jain dictionary; nality and impact. To enter send a lof Dr. Prem
teach principles of other religions, complete description, including Gada, in December, 1991. Over 40 | which are consistent with Jainism.
Gada, in December, 1991. Over 40 method of carrying out the project, enthusiastic teachers and scholars It was also suggested that we decosts, problems encountered, posi- from all the corners of North Amer- velop a teacher's guide to go along tive results, and impact beyond the ica came to participate. The goals of with the text books. The curriculum immediate target population, the the meeting were to analyze various was divided into four basic levels of group's complete address, contact methods and techniques of teach children. The first level would be name, and telephone number. En- ing; to develop a common curricu- l applicable to the youngest children, tries are due by June 1, 1992. Send lum, with the objective of printing from pre-school to 2nd grade. The to: The Vegetarian Resource Group, text books specifically for children next level would be applicable to P.O.Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. growing up in western countries; children in 3rd through 5th grade.
and to form sub-committees to ful- The next higher level would be fill these objectives, and to recruit applicable to children in 6th through members for each one.
8th grade. The highest level would Recently, JAINA received
First, a very hearty presen- be applicable to rest of all the chilan appeal from Renu Jain, Storrs, tation was made by all the teachers, dren, 9th grade and up. If you have Connecticut for the funding of treat- on how they teach Jainism in their any input or suggestions, please ment of her father, Dr. Suresh K. respective centers. We witnessed Gupta. Her father suffers from ad- techniques from 12 different Path
Seven sub-committees, as vanced carcinoma of the biliary duct shalas. The number of students in listed below were organized, with a which has spread to the pancreas. them ranged from 15 to 110. These coordinator in each one. We have received along with Renu students were subdivided into as Education Chart and Multi-Media Jain'sletter, medical documentation manyas 4 subgroups. The frequency
- Kamlesh Shah, Washington, DC. - on the urgent necessity of surgery to of their meetings ranged from 1 to 4 (301) 353-0481 prevent the disease from spreading times a month, with each meeting Comparative Religion - Pravin further.
lasting from 1 to 3 hours. Some Shah, Carry, NC - (919) 469-0956 Mrs. Jain, a Ph.D. student at centers had as many as 7 teacher Rituals and Pilgrimages - Susmita the University of Connecticut, re- volunteers, to carry on this wonder- Mehta, New York, NY - (718) 225ports that while his father is an ful task. The materials they use may
2929 American citizen, he has no health be narrowed down to Boston Cen
Pictures and Stories - Mahendra insurance in the U.S. and is not eli- ter Levels 1,2,3, Jain Study Circulars Shah, Detroit, MI - (313) 453-2968 gible for Medicare, Social Security and Studies in Jainism, and Balbodh Vegetarianism and Animal Rights or Disabled Insurance. Thus, the Pathshala Series by Hukamchand - Kishore Shah, Boston, MA - (508) burden is left for Renu. Bharill, in general. As a reward for
251-8911 The approximate cost of studying Jainism, recreational ac- Translations - Narendra Sheth, treatment for Dr. Gupta is $35,000. tivities were offered, such as field-San Diego, CA - (619) 693-8272
An appeal
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