Jain Digest
depicting the circumstances that of this Institution has been wel- | Jainism. gave birth to Lord Mahavira. Chap- comed by the luminaries and emi
It shall be our earnest enters III, IV are devoted to the life of nent educationists of our time. A deavor to provide it a distinct charthe great Lord and his teachings. few of their greetings deserve men-acter with the rich legacy and heriHere the author has drawn upon tion here:
tage of Digambers and Swetambers many sources, Indian and Persian,
"I offer my warmest felici-alike. Hence, we expect that all the to ascertain the year of Mahavira's tations at the Deemed University Jains will contribute to its growth Nirvana. Chapters V-VIII describe
Status conferred on the Jain Vishva and development, thus, setting an the religious sects, political condi- Bharati. It is so richly deserved. I example of genuine Anekant tions and institutions, social organi- wish the university every success in Darshan. Its main spiritual inspirazations and economic planning in its great and dedicated work under tion, Acharyashri Tulsi, is a great Mahavira's times. Chapter IX brings the most heartening and inspiring saint of the Nation. The very esout the special features of art and guidanceof Pujya Acharyashri Tulsi sence of his message is synthesis architecture and gives in detail the and Yuvacharyashri Mahaprajna." and coordination, as a true believer description of currency produced Dr. D.S. Kothari, Former Chairman, and propagator of non-absolutism during the period. Chapter X de U.G.C.
in various walks of life. scribes the progress achieved in the "None can be happier than
The knowledge imparted literary, technical and scientific myself to learn that the Jain Vishva by Lord Mahaveer and his predefields.
Bharati has at last become a Deemed cessors was treasured up in the The study is documented University. My sincere congratula- voice-boxes of monks and saints with Bibliography, General Index
tions and best wishes for its devel- which continued flowing from one and Maps.
opment." Prof. K. Satchidanand generation to another for centuries Murty, Former Vice-chairman, until it was enshrined into books U.G.C.
sometimes in the 9th or 10th Cen"I welcome your Institute tury A.D. Ever since then, it has in the University Community of been subjected to elaboration, adIndia and look forward for your aptation and interpretation for the enriching contributions to Indian good of the world. With the untirUniversity system. Entry of your ing efforts of Acharyashri Tulsi and Institution wedded to Ahimsa is a Yuvacharya Mahaprajna, it has very important landmark in the reached the stage of being a worthy
history of university fraternity. I am corpus for university education. Jain R.L. Kothari, Registrar, particularly happy in expressing my | Vishva Bharati has fulfilled its piJain Vishva Bharati Institute, good wishes for success of your ous resolve to make itself an effecLadnun - 341 306. (Raj.)
endeavor towards an Ahimsaktive instrument of universal educa
Samaj through University Educa- tion and enlightenment. The Jain Vishva Bharati, tion." Dr. RamLal Parikh, President,
It has further pledged to which has to its credit a remarkable A.I.U. &Vice-chancellor, Gujrat redeem the dream of Acharyashri research-oriented record of scores Vidya-peeth, Ahmedabad.
Tulsi to make it a 'TAPOVAN' of his of published works in the field of
If we peep into the past, we vision and ideals. We are thus faced Jainism, Jain Culture, editing of do find symbolic universities of with the challenging task of its allcanonical texts and teaching of Shramanh Culture like Takshshila round development. Post Graduate courses, has emerged and Nalanda representing Buddhist
Apart from being an Instias a Deemed-to-be-University re- tradition but none exclusively con- tute of Advanced Studies and Renamed as "Jain Vishva Bharati Insti- cerned with Jainism. Anuvrat search in Prakrit and Jainology, it tute", vide Govt. of India Notifica- | Anushasta Acharyashri Tulsi has has distinguished itself as an Intertion No. F.9-9/ 87-1, 3 dated the 20th from the very begining felt the need national Centre of Universal Peace of March, 1991. The holy wish of of establishing such a University. (Ahimsa Sarva-bhauma) and SciAcharyashri Tulsi has thus come to the long-cherished dream ofence of Living (Jeeva-vijnana), infulfillment. It is not only a proud Acharyashri has thus come true. cluding Preksha Meditation. It has privilege of the Jain Community but
It would, however, be a endeavored to create a psychology of the entire university fraternity to mistake to regard it as an achieve- of peace and culture of non-violence have such an institute of higher ment of the Jain Shwetamber Tera- not only through studies and relearning and research, the first ever panth Dharma Sanghalone. It would search but also through non-violent in the history of the world. The rise be taken as representing universal | living, training and experiments. It
Jain Vishva Bharati - A deemed University
Jain Education Intemational
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