Jain Digest
Youth Corner
JCYC winter camp
RSVP youth
essence of inhumanity." The par-dynamic speech by Dr. Bharat S. ents were very supportive. They Shah on Vegetarianism. During his now plan to make an effort to avoid one and a half hour segment, he had products whose companies test on the audience's full attention. He animals, and to become more in- spoke on vegetarianism, its history volved in animal rights as a whole. and the importance of keeping vegeThe youth group plans to have fol- tarianism alive in today's society. low-up discussions with their Soci- He also entertained questions from ety regarding scientific experimen- the audience quite brilliantly. tation on animals and the destruc
After 45 minutes of Nasto, Jain Center of Southern tion of the environment.
the conferees split into nine groups. California held its Jain Center Youth
These comprised the different soCouncil Winter Camp at Lake Ar
cial discussion workshop groups. rowhead Lutheran Camp site, Crest
Following are some of the topics: Is Park, California during January 2-5,
conference it possible to live a detached life1992. Students were divided into
style in a materialistic world?; What three groups for the classes and three
are your thoughts on dating in teachers conducted the classes in
During the weekend of
today's society?; Is Vegetarianisma turn. Pratikraman in the form of February 29 - March 1, 1992, ap
new trend or is it here to stay?, How text was taught to all three classes proximately 145 youths from 10
would you define Karma, both the by keeping in mind each age group different states in North America
good (Punya) and bad (Paap)? level. Camp children prepared and gathered together at the Jain Center
After one hour of discussparticipated in a variety show. A of New Jersey in Essex Falls, NJ for
ing the issue within their group(each test was conducted on the last day the 2nd Regional RSVP Youth Con
group consisted of 14-16 people), all and three prizes were awarded in ference (Religion Social Vegetarian
conferees assembled in the Main each age group. ism Practical).
Hall and discussed their findings. Everyone enjoyed the sce
Conferees fell within the 16
Manish Mehta was the moderator nic beauty of the camp site with tall 30 age category and came from
for the next one-and-a-half hours. pine trees and lots of snow, in addi- California, Canada, Connecticut,
After Arti/Mangal Deevo tion to learning and studying Pra- Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts,
at the Jain Center of New Jersey, the tikraman. Benefits of the camp were New Jersey, New York, Pennsylva
conferees went to a nearby hall for group learning, sharing and apply- | nia and Virginia.
cultural activities. ing Jain principles in real life.
The Conference officially
After Indian Vegetarian opened at 12:30 p.m. to the recita
food was eaten, the participants tion of the Naukar Mantra three
were able to dance to the beat of times by all the conferees.
Garba, Raas, Bhanghda, Disco, rap The genesis of RSVP was
and Rock-n-Roll. Then, out of town discussed, together with the objec
attendees retreated to host family tives for the Conference Weekend
homes for an overnight stay. and the agenda. The following obBy Raksha Jain
Day two was welcomed by jectives were outlined: Promote
another well-received speech by Dr. Education for Youths; Create Self Premchand B. Gada from Lubbock, On Sunday, February 23,
Awareness; Discuss Issues of Being 1992, the Jain Youth Groupof Dallasa lainin Today's Society;Encourage | Karma. Dr. Gadas' computer pres
Texas who spoke on the Theory of held a very successful parent/youth
Interactive Viewpoints on Social | discussion on animal rights, and
entation show on the Theory of
Topics; Understand the Meaning of how the issue relates to our lives.
Karma was a visual piece of art. Vegetarianism; Apply Practical Well-worded questions from the The young group was able to pro
Principles to Our Everyday Lives. vide a great deal of facts on compa
audience and thought provoking
The history of Jainism was nies and products involved in ani
answers from Dr. Gada made this presented by Binny Mehta. Here, mal testing. They ended their dis
total one-and-a-half hour segment the origin of Jainism, some significussion with a heart-filled quote
most inspirational. cant facts, comparisons and confrom George Bernard Shaw, "The
The 1st Regional RSVP trasts to other major beliefs as well worst injustice towards our fellow
Youth Seminar was held in New as present day practices were discreatures is not to hate them, but to
Jersey during Sept. 15 - 16, 1990. cussed. be indifferent to them. That is the
This was preceded by a mini-RSVP This was followed by a
Dallas youth group activities
Jain Education Intemational
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