Jain Delegation from North America on visit to U.K. for the Jain Declaration on Nature. (I to R) Pravin Shah, Laxmi and Vinay Jain, Ravi and Sulekh Jain, Girish and Sushila Shah, and Sushila and Hansraj Jain.
Jain leaders visit U.K. to discuss declaration
rom Oct. 20 to 28, 1990, nine prominent Jains represent
various Jain in
other Jain leaders from the U.K., France, Belgium, India, Kenya, and Singapore on a visit to the Buckinghman Palace in London to meet with H.R.H. Prince Philip to discuss the Jain Declaration on Nature.
This unique international gathering of Jains was hosted by the Osheal Association of the U.K., Navnat Vanik Association of the U.K., and Jain Samaj of Europe. The main theme for this gathering was the "Jain Declaration on Nature" and after a lengthy exchange of views, Prince Philip appreciated the Jain Community's efforts and stand on nature and preservation of the environment.
The meeting at the Palace on Oct. 23, 1990 opened with loud and melodious chanting of Namokar Mantra, probably the first at the Palace, and ended with Khame Mi Savva Jiva.
On Octo. 27. 1990, this international gathering of Jain was received and given a civic reception by the Lady and Lord Mayor of the city of Leicester.
Pravin Shah, (Cincinnati/Dayton); Laxmi and Dr. Vimay Jain, (Boston); Ravi and Sulekh Jain, (JAINA); Sushila and Girish Shah, (Los Angeles); and Sushila and Hans Raj Jain, (Toronta), were the representatives from North America.
JAINA Executive Committee meets
The Jaina Executive Committee met in St. Louis, MO, on
campus of Washington University on Nov. 10,
1990. The meeting was hosted by the Jain Society of St.
Jain Education Intemational
Louis, Those present were: Sulekh Jain, Prem Jain, Tansukh Salgia, Manhar Sheth, Satish Nayak, Surender Jain, Mahendra Dosi, Prem Gada, and Urmila Talsania, Pravin Shah (Cincinnati), Navin Dedhia, and Girish Shah (San Francisco), Prakash Jain and Suresh Jain (St. Louis).
Dr. Sulekh Jain, President of JAINA, gave a brief description of his recent visit to U.K. regarding presentation of the Jain Declaration on Nature to H.R.H. Prince Philip. He informed JAINA that a Jain Sacred Literature Trust has has been formed as a part of International Sacred Literature Trust, which is being supported by H.R.H. Prince Philip, for publication of religious literature.
Prem Jain, Navin Dedhia and Girish Shah gave details about the forthcoming Jaina convention in San Francisco. Other matters discussed included the Jaina Library, Jain Digest, and the JAINA constitution.
The committee members expressed their appreciation regarding the style, format, and the contents of the Jain Digest. The executive committee also appointed two ad-hoc committees; an Election Committee, and an Award Committee. The meeting adjourned on the morning of Nov. 11,1990.
JAINA forms Special Projects Committee
Dr. Jagat P. Jain
AINA has appointed a standing Special Projects Committee. The group's responsiblity is to identify, undertake and complete projects that require special efforts and would be helpful in promoting the Jain religion in North America. Dr. Jagat P. Jain of Williamsville, NY, will chair this committee. Volunteers are needed to work on the following special projects: 1) Provision of "Jain meals" on international flights; 2) Preparation of a list of vegetarian meals available in American hotels/restaurants; 3) inclusion of Jain religion symbol in the chart of symbols of other religions displayed at Satya Sai Baba Center; 4) Inclusion of Jain religion symbol on the World Religions New Year's card; 5) Having at least one book on Jain religion in every public school, college and university library in the U.S. and Canda; 6) Preparation of a colorful 4" x 8 1/2", eight-page tract on Jain Religion At A Glance, making it available for mass distribution on special occasions; 7) exploration of the possibility of an encyclopedia on Jain religion, or establishing contact with the Pittsburghbased Hindu Heritage Research Foundation for representation of Jains on the International Board of Trustees of HHRF if the 33-volume encyclopedia will include Jainism as professed by Jain community scholars; 8) Jain Digest be sent to all Jain boys/girls in North American collges/universities; 9) availability and publicity of the Jain Holy Book "Samansvttam;" 10) Interaction with other societies like the Vegetarian Society, the Animal Rights Society, and other organizations working in propagation of non-violence.
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