The launch of the WWF Network on Conversation
and Religion
Jain ladies in organising all the events was very praisewor
the numbers of tigers in Bengal within ten years and prothy. These memorable occasions and the devoted leaders
tected their habitat so that many other species were saved and workers of various organisations created an amiable and
from extinction as well. lasting impression on all delegates. The delegates are, there
That was the first realisation. It wasn't just single fore, indebted to the Jains of the UK for their strong sense of
species but entire habitats that needed to be saved, if only for social responsibility and their gracious hospitality.
the most selfish reason that one-third of the world agriculby Dr Vilas Sangave
tural land would soon be desert if they were not. So, WWF Jain delegate to Buckingham Palace Hon.
worked feverishly, collaborating with governments and Director, Shahu Research Institute, Shivaji University,
national organisations, to establish wildlife reserves, trainIndia
ing schemes in sustainable agriculture and agro-forestry, environmental education in schools, and local nature clubs. It became a powerful international lobbyist for stricter controls on industrial pollution and logging, and for bans on iniquitous trades in animals products such as elephant ivory and rhinocerous horn.
But despite its great achievements and those of other conservation groups, WWF approached its 25th anniversary in 1986, knowing that up to one million species faced extinction by the end of the century. The last shreds of the rainforest were being swiftly destroyed, taking thousands of species, clean oxygen and the world's climatic balance with them.
Humanity was continuing to devour the earth's natural n September 28, 1986, the hills aroung the small Italian
resources and spit them back into the ecosystem as toxic town of Assisi resounded with the clanging of town
poisons. bells, the long low moan of a Tibetan horn, the tonal
How to communicate with people so they stopped wonders of Zambian gospel and Jewish Hungarian choirs
living as if there was no tomorrow - which at this rate there and the enthusiastic thunder of Italian medieval drumming.
wouldn't be? Performing artists and media from around the world were
An idea that had been circulating for more than a welcoming'green' pilgrims from around the world as they decade came to roost: The ecological crisis is a spiritual crisis. approached the gates of Assisi, flags and banners flying.
Humanity might remember the rituals of its religions but it The procession, its giant animal lanterns and its has forgotten or chooses to ignore the teachings behind music came spilling through the winding streets of Assisi ato
them. All religions teach care and respect for nature. all to the large green in front of the Basilica (Church) of St praise its beauty and its bounty. All prescribe living in Francis. Japanese Buddists performed a dance to the Sun, a
harmony with it. troupe of Italian flag-thowers threw flags and leading world
So wasn't it time that the conservation movement figures from religion, science, conservation and royal houses enlisted the help of religion? Religious networks are extenwelcomed the pilgrims.
sive and the greatest and most respected communicators in The leaders had been conferring on the global envi
the world are the priests, mullahs, rabbis, lamas and swamis. ronment crisis and what the religions of the world could do
Through them it would be possible to talk straight to the about it. But as the sun squeezed out from behind sullen hearts of billions of people. clouds for the first time that day, they acknowledged that the
The realisation inspired HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, crowd before them, who had spent weeks walking together International President of WWF, to suggest the Fund cele across the Italian countryside, had come closest of all to the
brate its 25th anniversary with a pilgrimage to Assisi, home answer - pilgrimage. The human race must embark on a
of St Francis, the Christian patron saint of nature. Leaders of spiritual pligrimage to re-discover its place within nature, a the world's religions and of conservation would be invited to place that is harmonious, ethical and non-harmful.
come together and commit themselves to joint action for the This occasion which took place over three days at
environment. Assisi, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the World Wide
And they came: the heads and representatives of the Fund for Nature and launched one of the Fund's most
World Jewish Congress, the Muslim World League, the exciting and innovative initiatives, the Network on Conser
Christian Church, the Buddhist Sangha, the Hindu, Baha'i, vation and Religion.
Sikh, Native American, and New Zealand Maori communiSince it was founded in 1961 by Sir Peter Scott, WWF
ties. The great names in conservation, Sir Peter Scott, Thor had grown to be the largest environmental charity in the Heverdahl and Sir Edmund Hillary were there along with world channelling millions every year into conservation
princes from Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and UN programmes in 130 countries. Most of the money come, and ambassador Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan. continues to come, from almost four million WWF support
All were agreed on the seriousness of the situation. ers around the world.
In his opening words to the conference, Prince Philip said: In the early years, WWF worked to save endangered
"The world is facing a threat to its survival greater than the species. Project Tiger', WWF's best-known campaign doubled
age when the dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago.
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