Calendar of Events
January 27, 1991- The Jain Society of North Texas is planning an event for Snatra Puja at 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 27, 1991. Contact Hansa Vania at (214) 644-8026.
address of the registrant must be kept blank. This envelop should be put in a bigger envelope with the return address and be mailed to F.J. Dalal.
4. On receipt of the above, MIS will put the address on the inner envelop and mailed to the candidate. MIS will not be responsible for responses which do not follow the above procedure.
5. Other individuals who do not register with MIS should draft their own ad for publication in the Jain Digest Please send your ad with a check of $15 payable to Jain Digest. The editor reserves the right to edit the ad for space considerations.
February 1-2, 1991. Dr. Nathmal Tatia will be visiting the Jain Center of St. Louis from Feb. 1 to 2. Dr. Tatia is the director of the Jain Vishva Bharati in Ladnum, Rajasthan, India. He is a visiting professor at Harvard University where he teaches a course entitled "Three Traditions of Meditation in India: Patanjali's Buddhist, and Jaina." Contact Dr. Praesh Jain at (314) 537-1443.
February 17-21, 1991- The Second International Conference on peace and non-violent action at RaisamandUdaipur, India. Sponsored by Anuvrat Vishva Bharti (Anuvibha). Contact S.L.Gandhi, soordinator, at(141)510118 or 510347.
FEMALE M-15 Correspondence invited for beautiful Gujarati Jain sister, 27, 5'3", B. Com. Call (212) 931-7428.
March 31, 1991–The Jain Society of Greater St. Louis is planning a program for Mahavir Jayanti in Brown Hall. Contact Dr. Prakash Jain (314) 537-1443 for ore information.
M-18 Gujarati Jain brothers invite correspondence from well-settled and educated candidates for their Green Card holding sister, 28 (April '62),5', Ph.D. Call (313) 973-1679 or (216) 974-0535.
April 7, 1991- The St. Louis Center will be celebrating Mahvir Jayanti on April 7, 1991, with Dr. Padmanabhan S. Jayanti, professor of of Buddhist studies at the University of California at Berkely.
MIS-55 Gujarati Jain girl from NY,5' 1", 126 lbs, born Oct, '67, BA (Econ.) from Jain activist family invites responses from vegetarian graduates.
July 4-6, 1991-Sixth Annual JAINA Convention. More details in this issue of the Jain Digest.
MIS-57 Professional immigrant Jain girl, 32,5'1", never married, slim, beautiful and much younger-looking, seeks a professional, kind, good-natured match.
MIS-61 Gujarati Jain girl from NYC,5'4", 128 lbs, born Dec. '63, M.A. (Hom. Sc.) invites responses from vegetarian graduates.
Rules for Matrimonial
MIS-64 Cousin sister from MD invites responses from
well-settles vegetarian for a Kutchi girl, from a business Please address all matrimonial matters to F.J. Dalal, family, working in Bombay.5', 110 lbs., born Dec. '55 B.Com. 9001 Goodluck Rd., Lanham, MD 20706; phone (301) 577- (1978) and Dip. in Tvl. 5215. The following rules may kindly be observed: Those individuals wishing to register with Marriage In
MIS-66: Parents of Jain girl from CA, invite responses formation Services (MIS)
from Hindi-speaking professionals only, 5'7", 115 lbs., born 1. MIS has two forms - Personal Data' and 'Additional May '69, BA (Psy. and Bio.), pursuing Masters in Biochem. Information', which must be filed completely by those who intend to register. The registrant must mail 2 completed
MIS-67: Gujarati Jain vegetarian girl, age 25, 5' 3", forms with a check of $15 payable to F.J. Dalal, and enclose a pretty, fair, intelligent, graduating Doctor of Chiropractic in latest photo duly signed by the candidate at the back for MIS March 1991, is inviting correspondence from suitable profesfiling.
sionals, prefer resident or citizen. Write to: Box 530974, 2. MIS will draft an ad for registrants for publishing in Miami, FL. 33153 or call (305) 751-7009. Jain Digest. Registrants may want to draft the ad themselves which may not be more than 30 words. MIS reserves the right MIS-40: Parents invite correspondence from profesto edit such ads.
sionals/physicians for pretty, smart, fair-complexion, out3. All of the responses to MIS ads must be put in a going, professional daughter, 25 yrs. (May '65) 100 lbs., B.A. closed, stamped envelope with a return address and the MIS (Public Relations), U.S. citizen, caring, enjoys music, sports reference number at the bottom left corner. Space for the and social activities.
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