From the editor....
Jai Jinendra! Having received a number of comments about the April Issue of the Jain Digest, I am pleased to say that in general, you have expressed delight regarding the changes made to the digest. While appreciating the new design, two of the letters questioned the numbering of the April issue. However, if we look at the numbering system used for previous issues*, we find that there is no pattern regarding numbers. In general, the usual practice is to have one volume each year with numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., referring, respectively, to the first issue, second issue, third issue, etc. of that particular volume. Thus, I have decided to number this volume as Vol 17, No 3 to keep the continuity. In this spirit, the previous issue should have been numbered Vol 17, No 2.
I urge you to continue sending your comments to assist me in improving the quality of our digest. I would also request all of our readers, in particular the directors of the Jain Centers, both in the US and abroad to send their newsletters and other items of interest such as achievements, awards and honors. Material concerning matrimonial matters should be sent to F.J. Dalal, 9001 Goodluck Rd., Lanham, MD 20704. News for the youth corner is to be sent to Urmila Talsania, 5 Yellow Star Court, Woodridge, IL 60017 and items related to education and library be sent to Premchand Gada, 4410 Fiftieth St., Lubbock, TX 79414.
We request that all articles submitted to be typed if possible. Good quality, preferably black-and-white, non-returnable photos may also be sent for possible publication.
Jain Digest Advisory Board Members
Editor In Chief Surender K. Jain 3 Ransom Rd. Athens, Ohio 45701 (614) 592-1660
Executive Advisory Board
Sulekh C. Jain
T.J. Salgia Pramod Jhaveri Prem C. Jain Premchand Gada F. J. Dalal Urmila Talsania Arvind Vora
Naresh Shah
Paul Kuepferle
John Cort Ravindra K. Jain Manoj Dharamsi Narendra Sheth John Laplante
July '85 Vol 1, No 1 Oct '85 Vol 2, No 2 Jan '86 Vol 3, No1 April '86 Vol 4, No 2 July '86 Vol 5, No 3 Jain Education No 86 Vol 6. No10
Feb '87 Vol 7, No 1
May '87 Vol 8, No 2 Aug '87 Vol 9, No 3 Nov '87 Vol 10, No 4 Feb '88 Vol 11, No 5 Mav '88 Vol 12. No 6 May
Surender. K. Jain Editor-In-Chief
(513) 777-1554
(217) 223-7735
(513) 984-0637
(415) 770-0503
(806) 794-4777
(301) 577-5215
(708) 969-8845
(516) 269-1167
(516) 741-9269
(201) 543-2000
(617) 495-4496
(817) 283-1412
(703) 620-9837 (619) 693-8072 (508) 757-8641
Aug '88 Vol 13, No 7
Nov '88 Vol 14, No 8 March '89 Vol 15, No 9 July '89 Vol 16, No 1 Oct '89, Vol 16, No 1 Jan '90 Vol 17. No 1.
News and Announcements
Past Events and other items of interest for the entire Jain Community
Letters To The Editor
Readers Write In about the magazine and Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Calendar of Events
Youth Column
Leuers from Young Jains, A news Youth Forum
and a play. Plus other youth items
Library and Education
Book Review, Video Cassettes, and Scripture Translation progress
International News
Announcements, Jain Vishwa Bharti, Awards,
and Vegetarians in Israel.
Corrections and New Patrons
JAINA: A Report Card
From JAINA President, Sulekh Jain
Jainism: An Overview
COVER STORY: Vegetarianism & Ahimsa World Peace, Explaining Vegetarianism to Children, Karma Reactions and a test of your Vegetarian IQ
For Private & Personal Use Only
This issue has been made possible by the cooperation of many individuals on the executive advisory board. My special thanks are to JAINA President Dr. Sulekh Jain, to Sam Mc Coy, Assistant Manager Alden I.S.L., Ohio University, and to Nisha Jain, Software Engineer, Mead Data Central, Dayton, for their invaluable help in editing, style, and production.