Śramaņa, Vol 58, No. 4/October-December 2007
3. For having the idea of the activities of these Jaina Ācāryas in
this area sce Rasesh Jamindar, Op.Cit. 1975 Chs, 8&9 and Op.cit,
1976 ch. 10,18 & 25. 4. ekkasah chattise vikkam rāyassa maranatassa /
sorathe balahāye uthaņo sevado samgho // Darśanasāra, v.11 chbbasa sayehim nauttarehi tadaya siddhigayassa virassal kaṁbaliyānam dikki valāha yuriye sabhuannāll Pramāņalaksana by Jinasūri
see also Devasenasūri's Bhavasamgraha (stanzas 52-75) 5. Taking into account all the known evidences and aspects
regarding Nirvāņa of Mahāvīra Muni Kalyānavijayaji clarifies that this episode certainly took place either in October or November of 528 B.C. (Jainakalagañanā or Viranirvāņa
Samvata, Jhalor, 1931) 6. James Burgess, Report on the Antiquities of Kathia war and
Kucch. London. 1876. pp. 149 ff, plate no 29 H. D. Sankalia, Archaeology of Gujarat, Bombay, 1941. pp. 52-53; U.P. Shah. "Gujarātmān Bauddha Dharma'' Svādhyāya, Vol.1 issue No. 3 P; 186 Rasesh Jamindar, Ksatrapakālanun Gujarat, Ahmedabad,
1975 P. 190-91 7. James Burgess. OP.Cit. pp. 140 ff. H.D. Sankalia Op.Cit. 48 ff
Rasesh Jamindar. Gujarātno SānskȚtika Vārso, Ahmedabad. 1990, pp. 17 to 23. and also Ksatrapakālanun Gujarat. pp. 173
180 8. But I think there are twelve symbols. Between the symbols 5
and 6 from the left, there is a sign for a symbol. Unfortunately it
is not easy to identify it. 9. V.A. Smith, Jaina Stūpa and other Antiquities of Mathurā,
Allahabad. 1901.pp 14 ff. 10. U.P. Shah. Studies in Jaina Art, P. V. Reserach Institute, Banaras,
1955 pp. 4-14. also refer Hiralal Jain, Bhāratiya Sanskrti men
Jaina Dharma ka Yogadāna. 1965. pp 307-312. 11. For more details see Rasesh Jamindar, Ksatrapakālanun Gujarat.
1975 pp. 174-178 and Gujarātano Sānskřtika Vārso, 1990. pp. 17-20