One of the Great Contributors to Jaina Studies and Practice Passed Away, Kurt Titze (1922-2001) "In 1988, in Shravanbelagola, south India, as our former conveyor-belt worker and his travelling companion (who in the meantime had become his spouse), sat at the feet of a naked Jaina-Monk and watched him as he plucked out his beard and the hair of his head (which was something that these monks do about three times a year) without any expression, he knew that he would have to occupy himself with this unjustly ignored religion of non-violence - Jainism. If for no other reason than to do something against the actual violence which was being propagated by the media and becoming normality."
(Extract from Kurt Titze's self-portrait: Kurt Titze - A Portrait of the Author.)
http://www.here-now4u.de/eng/titze.htm [Kurt Titze - ein Portrait des Autors. http://www.here-now4u.de/aut_kurt_titze.htm]),
PUBLICATIONS ON JAINISM 1993. Keine Gewalt gegen Mensch, Tier, Pflanze. Worte des Furtbereiters Mahavira. Berlin: Clemens Zerling. [No Violence against Man, Animal, Plant. Words of the Fordmaker Mahavira).
1997. An Open Letter from the Blue Planet to its Penultimate Inhabitants. http://www.here-now4u.de/eng/an_open_letter_from_the_blue
p.htm#fnote1[Unverschlüsselter Brief des blauen Planeten an seine vorletzten
Bewohner. http://www.here-now4u.de/unverschlusselter_brief des_bl.htm
1998. Jainism. A Pictorial Guide to the Religion of Non-Violence. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1998. [selected reviews: Svami Bhasvatananda in Prabuddha Bharata 104 (1999) 834f.; Peter Flügel in Internationales Asienforum 30, 3-4 (1999) 403-405, republished on-line: www.here-now4u.de/eng/jainism - a pictorial_guide_to.htm]
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