AHIMSA TIMES - JULY 2008 ISSUE - www.jainsamaj.org
Chandigarh: The Jains in Punjab sought minority status on the lines of Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan, UP, Karnataka Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal and Delhi under the State Minorities Commission Act.. They feel that it is c violation of human rights and fundamental rights. With repeated petitions failing to have an effect on those concerned Dr Sandeep Kumar Jain and Dev Kumar Jain from Ludhiana have approached the Punjab State Human Rights Commissior (PSHRC), seeking the status on the ground that explanation II of Article 25 of the Indian Constitution relating to fundamental right to religious freedom mentions Jainism along with Budhism and Sikhism. Jain employees in the state government services are not able to observe their festivals like Samvatsari and Paryushan Mahaparvas as there are no restricted holidays for these. No half-day leave is granted to Jains to participate in shobha yatras. Courtesy Dr Sandeep K. Jain, E-Mail: jeevdaya04@yahoo.co.in
DR. ABDUL KALAM DELIVERS PROF. D.S. KOTHARI MEMORIAL ORATION AT DEFENCE LABORATORY, JODHPUR - The memorial orations in the fond memory of Prof. D.S. Kothari, a doyen in the fields of research, development and science education are being held at the Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur for the last 16 years, the first one having been held in the year 1993. These orations are delivered by persons of eminence, particularly those involved with R & D in defence areas. Prof. D.S. Kothari was himself the first Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister. He was instrumental in setting up a series of Research Laboratories in the country under the overall control of Defence Research and Development Organisation (D.R.D.O). Dr. Kothari had also been the Chairman of University Grants Commission.
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Bharat Ratna
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Former President of India Science and Youth 10 July 2008
This year, Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of India and former Director General of D.R.D.O. and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister was invited to deliver the VI Memorial oration on the 10th July, 2008 at the Jodhpur laboratory. He has the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 34 universities. Dr. Kalam has an olc association with this laboratory and he had visited this place earlier several times as the chief executive of Integratec Missile Development program and operationalisation of AGNI and PRITHVI missile systems for building indigenous capability in critical defence technologies. He was closely associated with 'Pokharan -II nuclear tests in close collaboration with Department of Atomic Energy. His technology vision 2020 has provided a road map for transforming India from the present developing status to a developed nation. His distinguished services as the President of Indic have left everlasting memories in the hearts of people of our country. During his oration, Dr. Kalam spoke vividly about the subject of "Science and Youth" and presented his thoughts on how the present day youth could be attracted in c big way to science.
At the out-set, Dr. Narendra Kumar Jain, Director, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur welcomed Dr. Abdul Kalam anc apprised him of the various on-going research programs at this laboratory. Dr. Kumar has himself been an eminent scientist having worked on the development and application of Organometallic chemistry, Liquid crystals Electrochromic and Electrode materials at the Defence Laboratory. Sitting on the dais from left to right: Dr Narendra Jain, Director, D.L.J., Dr. D. Banerjee, Chief Controller, D.R.D.O., Dr. Abdul Kalam, Shri Gaj Singh, Hi Highness of Jodhpur and Dr. P.K. Khatri, Group Director, Defence Lab.