Award. In the same year we see him as the recipient of the Prākṛta Jñana Bhāratī Award, Bangalore. And in 1993 he was given the Honorary Fellowship of the School. of Oriental and African Studies, London. Next he was honoured with the Narasinha Mehta Literary Award of the Gujarat State, Gandhinagar 1995. In the same year, he got the Anantrai Raval Vivechan Award. In 1996, he was awarded the coveted Narmad Sabha Medal for the best critical work published during 1985-1989. In 1996 he was awarded the prestigious Mm. Dr. P. V. Kane Memorial Gold Medal (for 1992) of the Asiatic Society, Bombay. Finally, in 1997, he got the Hemacandrãcãrya Award, Delhi.
As it happens, the most important awards involving national recognition are given in the late years of life when the concerned academic does not need it: In fact, the feeling then, generally speaking, is one of detachment with no deep delight about getting an honour. Some even get recognition posthumously, a tragedy of the relative insensitivity toward, and incomprehension of the singularity and importance of the academic merits of the scholar concerned, and no less the sluggishness of motion of the national cultural mechanics at a socio-political level.
Prof. Bhayani's published papers, articles, short notes, reviews, and observations are virtually countless in number. Besides books on individual topics and of lasting value, in recent years, the books containing his collected papers and notes also periodically appear from which the true estimate of his genius can be had. His writings leave one in amazement both for bulk and quality.
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M. A. Dhaky Jitendra Shah