N. M. Kansara
self-imposed painful way of strictly regulated norm of a life of perfectly desirable conduct which could be fully conductive to the total elimination of all kaşayas. And, their references to different lesyas with different hues clearly seems to refer to the auras of the astral bodies of the concerned persons referred to by them. In the last few years, Yuvacārya Mahāprajña has described these researches in the fields of parapsychology through the garb of the Jaina terminology, which should be quite clear as a result of the related material presented in these pages.
Annotations :
1. Umāsvāti - Tattvärthadhigama-sūtra, 2. 10: Samsarino muktāś ca /
2. Vädi Devasuri - Pramāṇa-naya-tattvālokālaṁkāra, 7. 55-56 : Pramātā pratyakṣādi-siddha ātmā
/ Caitanya-svarupaḥ pariņāmi kartā sākṣād-bhoktā sva-deha-parimaṇaḥ prati-ksetram bhinnaḥ paudgalikādṛṣṭavāms ca yam/
3. Sanghavi, Pt. Sukhalal, Bharatiya Tattva Vidya, (Gujarati), M. S. University of Baroda, Baroda 1958, pp. 54-55.
4. Umäsväti T. S., 5.3
Nityavasthitänyarūpāṇi /
5. Uttaradhyayana-sutra, 28. 11: Näņam ca damsaṇam c-eva caritam ca tavo tahċ: / Viriyam uvaögo ya eyam jivassa lakkhaṇam //
6. Umāsvāti - T. S. 2. 26, 29: Vigraha-gatau karma-yogaḥ / Vigrahavati că prăk caturbhyah/ 7. Gaṇadharavada, Gatha 1638.
8. Umāsvāti T. S., 5. 15-16: Asankhyeya-bhāgādiṣu jīvānāṁ / Pradeśa samhāra-visargābhyāṁ pradipavat /
9. Samghavi, Bharatiya., p. 53.
10. ibid., p. 58.
11. Bhagavadgītā, 10. 16...Siddhānāṁ Kapilo muniḥ /
12. Bhāgavatam, 1. 3. 10: Pañcamaḥ Kapilo nāma siddeśaḥ kāla-viplutaṁ / Provācāsūraye
Samkhyam tattva-grāma-vinirnayan //
13. Bṛhad-yogi-yajñavalkya-smṛti, 12.5
14. Väyu-purana, 2. 3. 216.
15. Kathopanisad, 1. 2. 9.
16. Jainendra-siddhanta-kośa, Pt. II Ed. Kṣu. Jinendra Varni, Bhāratīya Jñāna pītha, Vārāṇasī 1944, pp. 330-338.
17. Pannavaṇā-suttam, Ed. Pt. Bhagavāndās, p. 527.
18. Rayapaseniya, Ed. Pt. Bechardas, p. 314.
19. Ibid.
Hiranyagarbho yoga-sya proktā nanyaḥ kadācana /
20. Ibid.
21. Nona Coxhead, Windpower, Penguin Books, London 1976, pp. 17-25.
22. Ibid., pp. 257-262.
23. Ibid., pp. 218-220.
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