D. R. Das
Jain Education International
List of Illustrations
Pl.1 Pakbirra Lost Brick Temple
Pl.2 Pakbirra Temple No.1
Pl.3 Pakbirra
Temple No.2
Pl.4 Pakbirra
Temple No.3
Pl.5 Pakbirra
Side wall of Temple No.1
Pl.6 Pakbirra Side wall of Temple No.2
Pl.7 Pakbirra Jaina Images at the Temple-site
Pl.8 Pakbirra: Detached Door Lintel
Santinātha Temple (General View)
PL9 Deoli Pl.10 Deoli Santinätha Temple (Principal Shrine) PL11 Deoli Santinātha Temple (N.E.Corner Shrine)
Pl.12 Charra
Deserted Temple
Pl.13 Ambikanagar Rṣabhanatha Temple
Pl.14 Harmashra: Deserted Temple
Pl.15 Deulbhira: Deserted Temple
Pl.16 Balihati Deserted Temple Fig.1 Deoli
Ground Plan of the Säntinätha Temple
Fig.2 Ambikanagar Ground plan of the Rṣabhanatha Temple. Fig.3 Harmashra: Ground Plan of the Deserted Temple Fig.4 Deulbhira: Ground Plan of the Deserted Temple Fig.5 Balihati Ground Plan of the Deserted Temple
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