Lalit Kumar
seen inlaid with silver. He is flanked on either side by a male cămara-bearer standing on a lotus and on the pedestal a Yaksa and a donor-male, a Yakși and the donor-female on his right and left respectively. Architecturally conceived backplate has upright pillars supporting a crossbar. The padmaprabhā is surmounted by a chatra with the jar-finial on top. It is flanked by a drummer and a vidyadhara on either side. Nine planets are represented in a group on the pedestal.
The inscription on its back reads:
सं. ८१ माघे वर्द्धमाने पितृव्य श्रे यो ]र्थं श्रीसदेववइरोचनेन कारिता In Saṁvat 81 in the waxing half of the month Māgha, Śrī Sadevavairocana got made this image for the religious merits of his paternal uncle. The first two digits of the year are perhaps missing in the inscription. Stylistically, the image belongs to the 12th century; therefore, the actual year could be Samvat 1181. 6. Tritirthi of śāntinātha
Bronze, western Indian, Gujarat Date : V. S. 1234 / A.D. 1177 16.0 x 9.8 x 5.5 cms.
Acc. No. Ghoghā 52 (Fig. 6) The nimbated Jina is seated on a cushion kept on a simhāsana placed on a pedestal. The figure is defaced; it shows a śrīvatsa mark inlaid with silver. A deer, the cognizance of the Jina, is represented on the pedestal between two groups of nine planets, five on the left side and four on the right side. The mūlanayaka is flanked by a Jina standing under a triple umbrella with foliage on either side. The Yaksa Garuda and the Yaksi Nirvāņi are seated near the simhasana on the left and the right side. There is no backplate of the image. A semicircular arch surmounted by a kalaśa with stylised flames on the border accommodates a circular halo, a triple umbrella with foliage, and kalaśa on the top. This constitutes the parikara which is raised on a crossbar supported by two upright thin posts erected on the pedestal.
The inscription on the reverse reads:
सं. १२३४ माघ वद.....श्री शांतिबिंबं कारितं प्रतिष्ठितं श्रीधर्मसूरिशिष्यैः श्रीरामचंदैः। In the dark half of the month Māgha in Samvat 1234, the image of Śrī śāntinātha was made (and) installed by Sri Ramacandra, the disciple of Sri Dharmasūri. 7. Seated Pārsvanātha
Bronze, western Indian, Gujarat Date : V. S. 1258 / A. D. 1201 17.5 x 11.8 x 7.5 cms.
Acc. No. Ghoghā 12. (Not illustrated) Pārsvanātha seated in dhyāna on a cushion is placed on a simhāsana covered with
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