Lalit Kumar
held firmly by supporting arms and flanked by a vidyadhara on either side. Nine planets are represented in a group on the base. The male camaradharas are absent. 2. Caturvimsati-patta of Adinatha
Bronze, western Indian, Vasantagadha style
Date V.S 1123/ A. D. 1066
36.5 x 25.0 x 14.0 cms.
Acc. No. Ghogha 1 (fig.2)
Adinatha is identified by his hair locks flowing on his shoulders. He is also attended by the bull-faced Yakṣa Gomukha on his right and Yakşi Cakreśvari on his left, both seated on their vahanas, the bull and the Garuda. A pair of deers also appear in front gazing at the cakra in the centre of the pitha. The Jina is seated in dhyana on a cushion inlaid with silver placed on a stepped gaja-simhāsana kept on a dvianga pedestal. The face has silver inlaid eyes with no details. On either side of Adinatha stands a Jina in kayotsarga against a flamboyant oval halo. On the backplate of the Jina are two round pillars and a flamboyant aureole which is surmounted by a triple-umbrella topped with a kalasa; it is flanked by a drummer and a vidyadhara-angel on either side. The whole forms a central tritīrthī surrounded by a torana-like composition in the same plane unlike the usual architectural conception. A column of five niches containing a seated Jina figure flanks on either side of the central tritirthi. Towards the interior on either side stands a Jina outside the niche on the top; whereas the other side is occupied by a makara-head. The two bludgeon ends alone of the crossbar are visible. These are supported by a gajavyāla bracket, and below each stands a camara-bearer. The two sides of the triangular parikara above have a row of three seated Jinas in receding planes sitting under a small chatra. A small tritīrthī occupies the apex. Here, a Jina is seated in a niche and outside it are standing Pārsvanatha and Supārsvanatha on the right and left respectively. On the base are represented donors, a male and at female, in añjali mudra and nine planets arranged in pairs with the exception of one in the centre. Flames emanate from the border of the parikara.
The inscription behind the pitha reads:
श्रीसवालीयगच्छे वीरपितुश्रेयोनिमित्तं अंपटादिनिजपुत्रैश्चतुर्विंशतिपडोयं कारित इति । संवत् ११२३.
The sons, Anpaṭā, and others got this caturviṁśati-paṭṭa made for the religious merits of their father Vira of the Sarvaliya gaccha. Samvat 1123.
3. Tritirthi of Pārsvanatha
Bronze, western Indian, Vasantgaḍh style
Date V.S. 1135/A. D. 1078
14.5 x 10.0 x 5.5 cms.
Acc. No. Ghogha 36 (Fig. 3)
Under a snake-hood canopy, the Jina is seated on a cushion supported by a
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