Vol. XX, 1996
The present Paper was presented at the All India Oriental Conference (38th Session), Calcutta 1996. It is here published with some small additions and alterations. 1. śubhavijaya Gani - Syâdvāda-bhāṣā (SVB), Ed. Narayan M. Kansara, Sambodhi, Vol. XVIII
(1992-93), L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, pp. 103-124, Mangala-śloka 1 cd : ŚriHiravijayasūri-prasādam asadya punar atulaṁ ; also the Colophon at the end - Śri-Hiravijaya
sürīśvara-sisya-pandita-subhavijaya-Ganina... Syadvādabhāṣā viracitā // 2. Mohanlal Dalichand Desai, - Jaina Sāhitya-no Saṁksipta Itihāsa (Gujaräti), (JSSI), Shri Jaina
Shvetāmbar Conference Office, Mumbai 1933, para 875, p.594. 3. SVB, Colophon : ... Pramāna-naya-tattva-prakāśikā'paranämni syadvāda-bhāṣā... // 4. SVB, 9.11, auto-commentary, vs.2 : Bhangah katha - trayasyāsya nigraha-sthāna-nirnayah /
śrīmad-ratnākara-granthăd dhidhanair-avadharyatām // 5. H. S. Bhattacharya, Pramāna-naya-tattvālokālamkāra, Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal, Bombay
1967 (Eng. Tr. and Com.), "Preface", p.vi. 6. SVB, Introductory Vs. 2 : śiśur-api vāñchati laghudīr alasah syādvāda-śāstram adhyetum/
Tasya krtelpārtha-yutā kriyate syādvāda-bhäseyam // 7. Ibid., Epilogue, Vs. 2, quoted above in Ft. Nt. 8. Ed. Luigi Suali of Bologna - Şad-darśana-samuccaya (SDS) by Haribhadra with Gunaratna's
commentary Tarka-rahasya-dūpikā (TRD), Asiatic Society, Calcutta 1905, TRD on Vs. 49, particularly the passage commencing with the words : Jivaś ca prthivyaptejovāyuvanaspatidvitricatuh.. up to 'sātmakatvasiddhih' on pp. 153-159 of the SDS.
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