important than this is the insistence on rationalization of religious conduct. Keśikumāra Sramana was perturbed over the transition from the system of the four restraints preached by Lord Pārsvanātha to that of the five teachings of Lord Mahāvīra. His other anxiety was about the outfit of a monk; in the former system a monk was allowed to wear two pieces of garment but in the latter complete nudity was the rule. Gautama, a direct disciple of Lord Mahāvira explains to him that the variation was brought about to make the system effective for the contemporary followers who, in mental make-up had considerably deviated from their predecessors. In short, rules of religious conduct had to be amended according to the circumstances. As regards wearing clothes or remaining sky-clad, Gautama says that it had no deeper significance. It was meant for distinction, for awakening confidence in others and awareness in one's ownself and also to meet the exigencies of ascetic life.80 In reality the means of emancipation-right knowledge, right faith and right conduct, and in the ultimate analysis outfit or any other physical appearance or mark could not be considered the organic constituent of right conduct.31. This is further corroborated by Verses 12 and 13 of the chapter on Forbearance (Parisaha II) where it has been said that a monk should be unconcerned about clothes or no clothes. A Verse in the last chapter (XXXVI) vouchsafes emancipation to women, men, eunuchs, Jaina and non-Jaina houseless ascetics and householders all, of course on the basis of their respective good conduct.88 Pious family life is held better than robed hypocrisy. External marks and appearances like garment of animal-hide or rags, nudity, matted locks, shaved head or living on begged food do not bring salvation, self-control alone does.34
30. पच्चयत्थं च लोगस्स नाणाविह विगप्पणं । जत्तत्थं गहणत्थं च लोगे लिंग पओयणं ।।
उत्तर० XXIII, 32. 31. अह भवे पइन्ना उ मोक्खसब्भूयसाहणा। नाणं च दंसणं चेव चरित्तं चेव निच्छए ।।
उत्तर० XXIII, 33. 32. परिजुण्णेहिं वत्थेहिं होक्खामि ति अचेलए ।
अदुवा सचेले होक्खामि इह भिक्खु न चितए । एगयाऽचेलए होइ सचेले आवि एगया । एय धम्महियं नच्चा नाणी नो परिदेवए ।
उत्तर० II, 12, 13. 33. इत्थी पुरिस सिद्धा य तहेव य नपुंसगा। सलिंगे अन्नलिंगे य गिहिलिंगे तहेव य ।
उत्तर.XXXVI,49. 34. चीराजिणं नगिणिणं जडी संघाडिमुण्डिणं ।
एपाणि वि न तायन्ति दुस्सीलं परियागयं ।।
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