Efficacy of ceremonial sacrifices and the Caste-system too, has been questioned in chapters XII and XXV entitled Hariesijjam (Harikesiyam) and Jannaijjin (Yajniyam) respectively.
Chapter XII relates the legend of a monk named Harikeša Bala who though of perfect conduct, was born of Sopāka parents. Once after a religious fast of one month, he went to the sacrificial enclosure of some Brahmanas to beg food. The latter, in spite of a Yaksa's intercession on behalf of the monk, refused to oblige on the ground that the sacrificial food could not be given to low caste-people and that the well-horn and learned Brāhmans alone were the fit persons to receive gifts of food etc. 14 The Brāhmanas also asked their students and attendants to beat the intruder and drive him away. Bhadrā, the sacrificer's wife tried in vain to dissuade them with her testimony of the monk's firmness in self-control. But, with the influence of the Yaksa, their misdeeds boomeranged upon them and they were all magically paralysed, each one badly bruised and senseless. Subsequently, the Brāhmaṇas realized their mistake, propitiated the monk and offerrd him food and drink. As the monk broke his fast, the five divine phenomena appeared. 15 Now supremacy of good conduct and austerities was staring the Brāhmaṇas in the face and their pride of caste had melted away.16 They submitted to the monk who advised them to refrain from material sacrifices and switch over to the spiritual one in which penances and austerities were the fire, soul was the alter, body the fuel and the accumulated karmas were the oblations to be offered.17 He also advised them not to take any body bath other than the one in the pond of good
14. न शूद्राय मतिं दधान्नोच्छिष्टं न हविष्कृतम् ।
न चास्योपदिशेद्धमं न चास्य व्रतमादिशेत् ॥ मनु० IV, 80.
सममब्राह्मणे दानं द्विगुणं ब्राह्मणब वे ।।
प्राधीते शतसाहस्रमनन्तं वेदपारगे ॥ मनु० VII, 85. 15. पञ्च दिव्यानि
तहियं गन्धोदयपुप्फवासं दित्वा तहिं वसुहारा य बुढा । पहयाओ दुन्दुहीओ सुरेहिं आगासे अहोदाणं च घुढें ॥
"उत्तर० XII, 36. 16. सक्खं खु दीसइ तवोविसेसो न दीसई जाइविसेस कोई । सोवागपुत्तं हरिएससाहुं जस्सेरिसा इढ़ि महाणुभागा ॥
""उत्तर० XII, 37. 17. तवो जोई जीवो जोइढ़ाणं जोगासुया सरीरं कारिसंगं । कम्मं एहा संजमजोगसंती होमं हुणामि इसिणं पसत्थं ॥
""उत्तर.XII, 44.
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